Bad decisions

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"CASEY GARCIA IN THE HOUSE!" Obviously Casey has been to many of Kye Davis' parties before. I stepped inside and I realised that this night will not end well.

As I looked around inside the house, I could see lots of different things going on. People making out in the living-room, boys and girls doing shots and jello-shots in the kitchen and people dancing in the main foyer. Casey immediately ran over to the kitchen, grabbing two jello shots and two shots from the tables.

"No Casey...I'm not going to drink!" I spoke, pushing the shots away from me. Casey forcefully put them in my hand.

"Only for one night Riley!" She said, taking her first shot of the evening before consuming the jello-shot. I rolled my eyes, taking the jello-shot first. It tasted horrible, but I got used to it after a few minutes.

I then took the shot, gaging from the horrible vodka taste. My brother would kill me if he saw me taking shots. I walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. It was already 8:30 and I saw Casey taking one shot after the other. I decided to let myself go for the night. By 9pm, I was somewhat drunk.

I couldn't speak properly and I was dancing with some of my classmates. Some of the boys started to flirt with me, but I wasn't completely drunk to just go along with it. I walked over to the back room, a 'quiet' room for those people who need to relax and listen to some calming music. I brought my cup of water, trying desperately to balance out the alcohol in my system. As I sat down, I heard footsteps.

"Riley?" The unknown person asked, walking up to me. I looked up and saw him. Jack Miller. Jack Miller is Thomas' best friend. They have been friends for over 17 years. Jack lives next door to us.

"You're not supposed to be here..." Jack stated. "I know...but Casey roped me into going and now...I'm here." I said. I wasn't drinking as much water as I should have been.

"Casey was never a good influence on you..." Jack said, smirking. "Who are you? My brother now?" I asked, joking slightly. "No...but I watched you and Casey become friends and I've watched you change since you guys met." Jack said, placing his cup down.

"Not creepy at all..." I spoke. "You look beautiful tonight though." Jack said, obviously not thinking. "Thanks..." I said, feeling a little weird. "Do you want me to take you home?" Jack asked, standing up. "Honestly...I would love that. I cannot stand to be here anymore." I spoke, standing up, but still drunk enough to fall back down from dizziness.

"You shouldn't have had that much alcohol for your first time Riley..." Jack said, lifting me up. We walked down the hallway and through the kitchen. "Jaack? Where areee you going?" One of Jack's friends asked, his words severely slurred.

"I'm taking Riley home." Jack said before pushing past groups of people trying to get to the front door. I handed Jack the keys to my brothers car and Jack helped me in. Before long, we were at my house, my legs feeling like Jelly. Jack picked me up bridal style and carried me in through the back door, taking me up to my room. "C-Change me pleaseeee." I said, the alcohol getting to my head. Jack awkwardly changed me into some pyjamas, sitting me onto the bed.

"Thank you Jack..." I said, rubbing my head. Before Jack left, I grabbed his arm and stopped him from moving. "Riley...I gotta go." Jack said, attempting to pull away. "No. Stay..." I said, demandingly. Jack gave up and came back over to me. As he sat on my bed next to me, I intertwined my fingers with his, feeling the warmth of his hand. Without any warning, I kissed him, not hesitating. "I want you Jack..." I admitted, the alcohol clearly talking instead of my conscience.

Riley intertwined her fingers with mine. I looked away, slightly smiling. I had never told anyone this, but I kinda liked Riley, unfortunately like 'The Kissing Booth' Thomas forbid me from ever dating Riley. Without any warning, Riley kissed me, not hesitating. I knew that this was wrong and that I shouldn't have taken advantage of her while she was drunk, but my heart started beating faster as soon as her soft lips were against mine.

"I want you Jack..." Riley admitted. I could tell that the alcohol was affecting her thinking, but I didn't care. She pushed me down so I was laying below her. The kiss got more passionate. Her hands were now intertwined with my hair as my hands moved to her back. Within minutes, my clothes were off and so where hers. By this time, it was probably 10 minutes to 11:00pm, but I didn't care. I was glad think that Riley wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, except for the hangover she would have gotten. For the rest of the night, Riley and I were doing something that completely broke Thomas' rule. If he ever found out that Riley and I did the deed...oh Thomas would have my head, especially if he found out that Riley was drunk and influenced by the alcohol in her system.

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