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"Riley...we need to go..." Jack spoke to me as we sat in the church. I couldn't believe that it had happened.

(1 week prior)
I was now 2 and 1/2 months pregnant, sleeping at 2:45 am when I felt something.

"Jack...somethings wrong..." I said, looking down at my legs that had been soaked in blood. We race to the hospital just after my mom came and took care of Adrian.

"Please let the babies be ok..." I said, closing my eyes as I screamed in pain. We got inside the hospital, me now passed out from amount of blood I had lost. All I could feel was Jack's hand slipping away from mine.
The doctor had walked in, holding a folder. She looked at me as if she had just been diagnosed with cancer. She didn't speak.

"WHATS GOING ON?! ARE MY BABIES OK?" I screamed, not hearing the doctor speak for another 3 minutes, watching as she tried to hold back tears.

"I have some good news and some bad news." She finally spoke, having took a minute to stop tearing up.

"Bad news first please..."  Jack spoke, letting me try to relax.

"I'm so sorry Mrs Miller. Your daughter didn't make it..." Those words. Your daughter didn't make it. They ran through my head over and over as my face turned a ghostly white. The doctor spoke again.

"The good news is, your son is still going strong. He wasn't lost." She spoke, giving us a hint of hope.

"So...Noah is ok...he's alive...but Jane didn't make it..." I said, hyperventilating. I broke down, not stopping myself from crying.

"Our baby boy will grow up without knowing his twin sister..." Jack spoke.

"Well...when your baby boy is born, he won't realise that he's missing his sister until maybe 13 to 14 weeks. And besides, you always have the option of telling him when he's older." The doctor spoke, smiling.

I laid on my bed, rubbing my somewhat showing belly as I tried to smile. I lost one child, but I still had the other. Jack walked in, looking as if he had just been getting calls upon calls from concerned members of the family. Adrian had noticed what was going on, yet I refrained from telling her.

"Mommy? Why is daddy so upset?" Adrian asked as she walked into the bedroom.

"I'll explain it when your older. All I can say is that you no longer have a younger sister." I said, crying. I looked up at the walls, seeing the sonogram pictures of my babies and everything we had organised up until recently. I cried as the doorbell rang.

Jack opened the front door, leaving me to grieve in the room by myself with Adrian holding my belly.

"Riley?" Casey asked, concerned.

"C-Casey..." I spoke, beginning to cry. She quickly ran over to me, hugging me. As she hugged me, I noticed her hand.

"Oh my god! Did Thomas propose?!" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah..." She spoke, showing off her ring.

"Uh...Riley?" A voice spoke. I recognised it.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked as Tash walked through my front door. My heart dropped. I hadn't seen her since Prom.

"I came to give my condolences. Casey posted on her Instagram that you lost your baby." Tash spoke as she inched closer.

"Get away from me..." I said, stepping away. Jack as about to interfere, but Casey stopped him.

"Riley..." Tash attempted to speak.

"No. Get out! You have done nothing but torment me! You told everyone in school my secret and you threatened me multiple times! What did I ever do to you?! Nothing!" I said, my grieving taking over.

"Listen here you little shit. You knew from the beginning that Jack belonged to me, yet you stuffed everything up by getting pregnant. All you had to do was stay away from him and I never would have gone after you...but've really messed everything up. You deserved to lose your baby! You don't deserve to be the mother of Jack's babies. I DO! I wanted him and you took him from me!" Tash said, revealing her true nature in front of everyone.

"GET OUT!" I screamed, punching Tash in the face. She retorted in pain, quickly running out of the house. As the front door slammed shut, I went to head upstairs, reaching only halfway before my eyes closed and all I could see was black.

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