Telling Jack

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After figuring out yesterday who the father of my unborn baby was, I decided that the best thing to do for me was to tell him. I mean...he deserves to know. I woke up feeling alright. My morning sickness hadn't really happened in the morning...go figure. Once I was half dressed, I walked up to my mirror and looked at my belly. It was flat, but I could just imagine the baby growing inside of me. I got fully dressed and grabbed the two tests before walked downstairs, smiling, ready for the day. I decided to tell my mom first, seeing as Thomas would most likely freak out.

"H-Hey mom...I need to tell you something..." I spoke as my foot hit the last step of the stairs.

"What is it honey?" She asked, walking over to me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Spit it out honey..." She said, rubbing my back for comfort.

"I-I'm...I'm-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before my mother finished it for me.

"Your pregnant." She spoke with no hesitation.

"How'd you know?" I asked, confused.

"Just like you brother, you're terrible at hiding things. I found a pack of condoms at the very back of Thomas' closet 30 minutes after he bought them. You really think I wouldn't find the tests in your underwear drawer?" My mother asked, picking up the tests.

"'re not mad?" I asked, slightly smiling.

"I'm a little bit upset and shocked, but no...I'm not mad. I wouldn't be a good mother if I didn't support you. I'll be by your side the whole way." My mom said, hugging me. "But tell me one thing...who's the father?" My mom asked. This wouldn't be good.

"J-Jack...Jack Miller..." I spoke.

"Your brothers best friend? Oh Riley...your brother will not be happy." My mom said.

"I understand...but...I was drunk. Two weeks ago, I went to a party. I got drunk and Jack took me home. I kissed him and he didn't pull all happened so fast." I explained what happened to her.

"Do you plan on telling him?" My mom asked.

"Yes. After school today. I just hope that he doesn't get angry." I said, getting up. I kissed my mom's cheek before heading off to school, getting there 15 minutes early.
I had lots of good opportunities to tell Jack today, but I waited. Once school finished, I offered Jack a ride home, since he came to school with Thomas and he left early from school. I pulled into my driveway, but Jack only had to walk across the yard to get to his house.

"Thanks for driving me home Riley. I really appreciate it." Jack said, sitting in the passengers seat.

"Jack. I need to tell you something. I'm hoping that you won't get angry. Promise me you won't get upset." I spoke, getting ready.

"Riley...your scaring me...what's wrong?" He asked, genuinely concerned. He held my hand.

I handed Jack the tests, having kept them in my bag the entire day so if I needed to, I could prove that I wasn't lying, but Jack didn't say anything. He just stared at the tests and I could see the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Jack...say something...please..." I said, my voice cracking.

"I-Is it mine?" Jack said, looking up at me.

"Yes. I've only ever slept with you." I spoke, tears beginning to flow down my cheek.

"Hey...hey...don't cry..." Jack said, holding my hand once again. He wiped the tears from my cheek.

"Now's your chance. Go...while you still can..." I said, expecting Jack to get out and run home, never speaking to me again.

"Why would I leave?" Jack spoke, confused.

"Because...your have a life and I just told you that I am pregnant with your baby. I ruined your life..." I spoke, looking down at my flat stomach.

"No. You didn't ruin my life. Yes...this is not what I was expecting but...I'm not abandoning you or this baby like your father did..." Jack said, placing his hand on my stomach. Hearing him say that he wouldn't abandon me like my father did gave me a little bit of hope.

"H-How are we going to do this? How are we gonna raise a baby?" I asked.

"Well...I only see one option. From what my mom told me....the best way to raise a baby would be to make sure that it's parents are together..." Jack admitted.

"What are you saying Jack?" I asked.

"Riley Marie Harper? Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked.

"Yes..." I spoke. Jack kissed me. I could see the lights in his eyes light up, as if he had been waiting years to ask me that very question.

"Hey Riley? Does your mom know?" He asked.

"I told her this morning. She's a little shocked, but she's said that she'll be by my side every step of the way. The only thing is...I haven't told Thomas..." I admitted.

"We can deal with Thomas later. I have an idea...about the next couple of months..." Jack said, getting out of my car. We walked inside, seeing my mom cooking some food in the kitchen. "Mom...I'm home..." I said, holding Jack's hand.

"Hey darling. Hi Jack." She spoke, smiling.

We all sat down.

"Mrs. Harper-" Jack began, but my mom stopped her.

"Call me Kelly. Your gonna be part of the family soon anyway." My mom spoke, seeming happy

"Ok. Kelly...I have a plan for this situation." Jack spoke. He looked at me and I smiled, allowing him to continue. For the next 30 minutes, my mother and Jack talked about our relationship as a couple and how he was going to do everything possible to make me as comfortable and happy.

"I'm going to write a list of everything we need to do or sort out before the baby come in 8-9 months. At the beginning of every week, you, me, Riley and possibly Thomas will complete 2-4 tasks from the list so that we can be prepared." Jack said, I was really loving how Jack was beginning to become a good father, taking control of the situation. 

"'re pregnant...with Jack's b-baby?" We heard a voice speak. I turned around to see Thomas standing at the edge of the kitchen, his eyes full of hurt, and his voice full of anger. From what I could tell, Thomas heard the entire conversation with our mom and he assumed that Jack was the father...which is correct.

"Thomas..." I said, standing up. Thomas ignored my voice and turned around, bolting out the front door, slamming the door shut behind him.

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