A flow of memories

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Waking up on the couch of Jack's house, I see his daughter Adrian playing with blocks while Noah sits in his special chair.

"Morning Adrian." I said, smiling. I had gotten to know Adrian and Noah, seeing as they seemed familiar with me.

Adrian started crying. I quickly got up, confused.

"Hey, hey, hey...what's wrong?" I asked, holding Adrian as she cried.

"I-I want daddy..." She spoke, still crying.

"JACK!" I shout, alerting him.

"What's wrong? Did she hurt herself?" Jack asked, coming to pick up Adrian.

"No, she just started crying after I said good morning to her." I said, confused.

I held Adrian in my arms as she cried. It was weird. This had never happened before. I walked away, leaving Riley to take care of Noah while I dealt with Adrian. Sitting her down on the edge of her bed, I looked at her.

"What's wrong bubba?" I asked, looking at Adrian.

"Why is mommy acting weirdly?" Adrian said, still sobbing.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying not to arouse suspicion.

"She isn't giving me the usual hugs or kisses, she doesn't talk to me and she won't call me bubba!" Adrian said, upset.

"Adrian...bubba...she's not feeling well. She can't remember certain things..." I said, slightly tearing up.

"I WANT HER TO FEEL BETTER!" Adrian shouted, apparently starting a temper tantrum.

Walking towards Adrian's bedroom, to see how everything is doing, I hear Adrian.

"I WANT HER TO FEEL BETTER!" Adrian shouted. I ran into Jack's bedroom, obviously not thinking. I start to cry, but then I hear Jack.

"Riley? Are you ok?" Jack asked knocking on the bedroom door.

"Yeah, I'm ok" I said, slightly smiling. Jack left the door and I was left to contemplate my life.

Jack's wife must be so lucky.

I saw the engagement and wedding rings. I knew that I shouldn't have, but I placed them on my finger. Huh...perfect fit.

I looked up, seeing at least 5 photo's of me and Jack at different places. Wait...why are we in a photo from 1 year ago? Is that Jack proposing to me...and is that our wedding? I looked at all the photos and everything came back to me, everything from the day I told him I was pregnant to the day we lost our baby.

(Telling Jack)
"Now's your chance. Go...while you still can..." I said, expecting Jack to get out and run home, never speaking to me again.

"Why would I leave?" Jack spoke, confused.

"Because...you're 18...you have a life and I just told you that I am pregnant with your baby. I ruined your life..." I spoke, looking down at my flat stomach.

"No. You didn't ruin my life. Yes...this is not what I was expecting but...I'm not abandoning you or this baby like your father did..." Jack said, placing his hand on my stomach. Hearing him say that he wouldn't abandon me like my father did gave me a little bit of hope.

I smiled, remembering the day like it was yesterday.

(The gender)
IT'S A GIRL! was written on the banner that Casey had ordered. Jack hugged me, smiling. I kissed his cheek and smiled at everyone around us.

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