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Sitting in a seat across from my wife, now 3 months pregnant. She fell into a coma about 2 weeks ago.

"Jack...she'll be alright. You need to believe that Riley will wake up..." Casey spoke, her hand on my back as I held Riley's hand. She didn't move, which made me nervous.

"Mr Miller?" A doctor asked as he walked into the room.

"Yes?" I asked, concerned.

"I have some news." The doctor spoke.

"Y-Yes?" I asked, hoping that both my wife and my baby boy were ok.

"Your wife has shown no development, no changes. As for your baby boy, he's doing fine. Your wife's stress hasn't hugely affected the baby." The doctor said, referencing his chart. I began to cry in happiness. I couldn't believe that my baby boy was ok.

"If your wife wakes up, just press the call button and we'll come in right away." The doctor said leaving.

I sat back down, surrounded by Casey and Thomas.
(5th month)
Riley is still in a coma, not having woken up. The baby is still developing as normal, getting fed through a feeding tube. Since today marked her 5 month mark, I held the camera up and took a picture of Riley and I. I continued to hold her hand, looking down at the rings that she had on her hand.

" need to get some sleep. Please go home. I'll stay here with her." Kelly spoke, catching my attention.

"No. I promised in my vows that I would be with her for better, or for worse and leaving is like abandoning her." I said, toughening up.
(7th month)
Watching as Jack kept looking after Riley even when she's still in a really broke me. Thomas and I haven't begun any wedding prep since we've been helping Kelly keep Jack sane for the past 4 months.

"Jack..." I said, placing my hand on his back. As I touched him, he got up and hugged me, crying as he tightened his grip.

"I-I's hard...watching as she doesn't wake up and the baby growing..." I said, rubbing his back.

"C-Casey...." He spoke, still crying.

"Don't say anything Jack...just cry..."

Falling asleep was something I had done a lot. Casey has helped me and I really appreciate her.

Watching as Riley's monitors show no development, her stomach now larger than before since he was now 7 months pregnant. Kelly, Casey and Thomas have really been there for me, helping me keep my sanity.

I watched her monitors. I looked at the monitors just as often as I looked at Riley, her hands not moving, her skin as pale as a ghost and her cheeks flushed of colour. I held her frail hand, making sure to be careful just incase something happened. Casey sat behind me, also keeping her eye on the monitors just incase something happened. Thomas had just left, leaving me, Casey and Kelly to watch over Riley.

As I watched her, something started beeping.

beep, Beep, BEEP, BEEEEEEP

"Riley?!" I shouted as Riley's monitors went off the charts. I attempted to hold her, but two doctors rushed in and warned me against it, them trying to hold her down as she shook and spazzed. I watched in horror as she was shaking uncontrollably as the doctors pushed Casey, Kelly and I out of the room. Casey held Kelly while I broke down in tears watching as the doctors tried to resuscitate her...before nothing. Her monitor just made a long beeping sound and she stopped moving, her breathing silenced, her hair all over the place. I ran in, dashing over to Riley, seeing her stomach, the baby must still be alive...please.

"I'm sorry Mr Miller...neither your baby nor your wife made it..." The doctor said before leaving the room.

"NO!" I shouted, holding Riley's dead body in my arms.

I jolted up, my heart racing and tears falling down my cheeks.

"Jack?!" Casey said, sitting in front of me. I looked up to see Riley's monitor still beeping and Riley still breathing. I placed my hand on Riley's stomach and my baby boy kicked. Nothing bad happened to my baby boy. I continued to hold Riley's hand, not wanting to fall asleep again.

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