Forever changed

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I was now 8 months pregnant. I was 1 week away from giving birth. Jack was now more protective of me. I left my job a month ago as promised. I was now barely moving, with Jack being the one to get things for me. The nursery was now finished, completing the list Jack and I had create early on in the pregnancy. I could feel the baby kicking more and more as we inched closer to the end.

Trying not to move too much, I was now primarily on bed rest. I would occasionally get out of bed to get some food or to relax on something that wasn't my bed. But Jack was always next to me, making sure I was being as careful as possible. "I look like a whale!" I said, barely being able to see my feet.

"Don't worry, it will all over over soon..." Jack said, rubbing my back as I had a warm cup of tea. My mom walked in, holding bags upon bags of baby clothes.

"Your mother is a beast..." Casey spoke, trying to put the bags she had down.

"What do you mean? I'm not a beast!" My mom said, drawing offence to Casey's comment.

"Says the woman who pushed others out of the way to get the last limited edition baby blanket!" Casey said, showing me a video.

"I want the best for my granddaughter!" My mom said, placing the bags she had down.

"Next time don't have 4 cups of coffee before you get in the car first thing in the morning!" Thomas said, clearly having heard the conversation.

"How much did you guys get?" Jack asked, looking at the 15 small bags.

"$100 dollars worth of baby clothes, shoes and accessories..." Casey said, rolling her eyes.

"I just couldn't resist!" My mom said, smiling while giggling. As Jack and I relaxed, I felt something, something wet flow down my legs.

"U-Uh...Jack..." I said, trying not to cause too much of a fuss.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking at my worried face. I let go of my worried expression, hoping Jack would catch on to what I was implying.

"OH!" He said, jumping up from the couch.

"What? What's going on?" Casey asked, confused...until she looked down at my legs.

"Oh my god! Riley's going into labor!" Casey stated, freaking out.

"Technically I'm not supposed to go to the hospital until my contractions are less than a minute or two apart..." I said, getting up.

"Well...we're going now!" Jack said, helping me to the front door. My mom grabbed my hospital bag near the door.

I sat in the passengers side, Jack drove, my mom in the back behind me, Casey behind Jack and Thomas between my mom and Casey. As we drove, I calmly called Dani, alerting her to the situation. She said she would meet us there.

After 15 minutes, we arrived at the hospital, my  feet becoming even more sore. I saw Dani waiting for us near the lobby. We got inside and signed in, getting a private room.

We set up some things, Jack helping me get comfortable as I changed into a hospital gown. Dani along with another nurse, hooked me up to machines, letting me relax as I rested.
10 hours later, I had started getting contractions, my body hurting more than ever. Eventually, Dani and a nurse came in, getting ready to help me. I got ready and began the excruciating process.  Jack stood besides me, holding my hand as I pushed and pushed, trying to conceal the pain. I stopped, taking 5 deep breaths trying to remain calm.

"I can't do this! I'm too tired!" I said, trying to breath. "Come on Riley! You can do this. I believe in you..." My mom said, holding my hand. I got ready before toughening up and going again. I counted in, feeling the pain all over my body. I screamed, feeling the dizziness hit me like a bat.

As I pushed, the nurses, Dani, my mom, Casey, Jack and Thomas all encouraged me.
10 seconds later, my screaming stopped and another scream enveloped the whole room.

"And she's here..." Dani spoke, holding my baby girl in her arms. "Do you have a name?" Dani asked, handing her to me. I laid there, crying, tears flowing down my face. "Yes. Adrian Aria Miller..." I said, kissing Adrian's head.

For the next hour, I laid in bed, Jack next to me as I held little Adrian in my arms. Seeing her for the first time lit up my heart. I stroked her head, feeling her warmth. She was now wrapped up in a new baby outfit, sleeping in my arms. I fed her after 20 minutes. We went around the room, everyone having a hold of Adrian.
(24 hours later)
Jack, Adrian and I were released home, finally holding her in her home.

"Welcome home baby girl..." I said, kissing Adrian's forehead as I smiled.

Forever changedWhere stories live. Discover now