Together again

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Waking up in a hospital bed is something Riley never thought she'd have to do again unless she was having another baby. But no...she's back. This was the 3rd time Riley was ever in a hospital room.

I woke up to the sound of a monitor strapped to my body, measuring my heartrate. I looked over to see my mom sitting on my right and Jack sitting on my left. The first time I was here was on the day of my gender reveal party and the second time I was here was the day my baby girl was born.

"M-Mom? W-Where's Adrian?" I asked, suddenly concerned about my daughter.

"She's at home. Thomas and Casey are babysitting her." My mom spoke, holding my hand.

"Why am I here?" I asked, now feeling concerned about my own health and wellbeing.

"You fainted again...about an hour ago." Jack said, holding my hand, trying to comfort me. I pulled away, not wanting to send him mixed signals.

"I'll leave you two alone..." My mom said, walking out of the room. As my mom shut the door, I looked at Jack, my hands trying to stay still.

"You really had me worried for a second..." Jack said, slightly smiling.

"Jack...why are you here? We're not together. If Adrian never wouldn't have come know that." I said, my voice breaking.

"We aren't're right about that. But if Adrian never existed...I would have been here for you. I'm your brother's best friend. I was your best friend. I wouldn't leave you." Jack said, obviously feeling hurt by my comment.

"I think Tash was right..." Jack spoke again, catching me by surprise.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"The day you hid in Thomas' room, Tash told me how I would handle my future. She said, Fine. But bit of advice. When that baby is born, you're gonna run away, you're always going to runaway. You never liked difficult tasks. Soon, you're going to wake up and realise that you're never going to be cut out for raising a baby..."  Jack said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"J-Jack-" I was about to continue but he cut me off.

"-I did exactly what Tash told me I would do. She said I would run away and I did. I let Tash win...I let her get into my head..." Jack said, sitting down on the couch, his head in his hands.

"She didn't win. All this time...since we got together, all she's wanted is to be with you. didn't. You could have run to her the night you left...but you didn't. Your stronger then her." I said, hoping to cheer Jack on. My heartrate monitor started beating faster, signalling that I was starting to feel happy with Jack. He took this opportunity to stand up and walk over to me. He placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I kissed back. After a few minutes, we heard someone knocking on the door, so we both pulled away, slightly smiling.

"Dr. Smith is here to take some measurements." My mom spoke, letting Dr. Smith enter the room. Jack left the hospital later, texting me when he got back to my place.

Jack: T-That kiss was amazing.

Me: Jack...that kiss...

Jack: I want to be with you again Riley...

Me: Jack...if we do get together again, we shouldn't put a label on least...not for now.

Jack: Deal.

I spent the rest of the day in the hospital, different doctors running tests on me. Eventually, I headed home, seeing Adrian clapping at the tv while Jack sat on the couch next to a sleeping Casey and Thomas. I smiled, carefully picking up Adrian as she poked the bruise now formed on my head.

"Don't poke mommy's bruise ok...she's in pain..." Jack said as he stood up, walking over to us. I smiled, Jack intertwining his hands with mine in secret. He kissed Adrian's head, smiling once Adrian started to poke his nose. I gave Adrian to my mom, carefully walking upstairs being watched by Jack.

"Be careful..." He said, holding my hand as we reached the top. I walked to my room, opening the door before collapsing onto my bed.

"So comfy..." I said, smiling.

"Riley...can we talk...about us?" Jack said, wanting to make the situation more clear.

"Jack. Like I said, if we were to get back together, we 1. Shouldn't put a label on it...not to raise suspicion and 2. We should keep it on the down low, just until we can figure this whole relationship thing." I said, explaining my rules.

"Can we kiss?" Jack asked, clearly having something alternate in mind.

"When we're alone yes..." I said, resting his thoughts.

"I missed you Riley." He said, before planting a sweet little kiss on my lips.

"I missed you too Jack." I said, kissing him.

We parted, leaving me to feed Adrian while Jack got some pyjama's ready to change Adrian. The rest of the day was sweet, with Jack staying over again, just to help me out with Adrian until I was back to full strength. I saw a bright future ahead for our family.

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