A shocking reveal

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It was finally the day of my gender reveal party. I had been in bed for most of the morning, not being bothered to get out of bed. Jack had come in with a plate of food. Bacon, eggs, the works. I sat up and smiled, starting to eat the food in front of me.

"You hungry are you?" Jack asked, watching as I had devoured half of the food on the plate.

"Excuse me. I'm the one eating for two!" I said before stuffing more food into my mouth.

"By the way, I bought you a new outfit." Jack spoke, going to my closet before placing a blue and pink galaxy outfit on my bed. It covered me well, only slightly revealing my baby bump.

Once I was out of bed and dressed, Jack accompanied me downstairs as I held my bump, slowly stepping on the last step of the stairs

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Once I was out of bed and dressed, Jack accompanied me downstairs as I held my bump, slowly stepping on the last step of the stairs. My mom giggled as she saw my outfit. She took a picture of me, smiling. I looked around to see lots of decorations.

"Our families will be here any minute." My mom spoke as she finished icing some cupcakes.

I sat on the couch, sipping a tea that Casey had brought me. Eventually, guests started to arrive. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, anyone who was directly or indirectly related to Jack and I. After about an our, Casey walked into the lounge room holding 2 black balloons, catching everyone's attention.

"Here are two black balloons. One for Riley and one for Jack." Casey spoke as we stood up and walked to the end of the room. Jack and I grabbed a pin, luckily the balloons were thin.

"3...2...1..." Everyone counted. At the same time Jack and I popped the balloons revealing pink glitter.

IT'S A GIRL! was written on the banner that Casey had ordered. Jack hugged me, smiling. I kissed his cheek and smiled at everyone around us.

"I can't wait to meet our little Adrian Aria Miller..." Jack said, remembering the name we had thought of a week prior. We all sat in the lounge-room, before I needed to get up. I walked over to the kitchen, grabbing everything needed to make a sandwich. Before placing the second piece of bread on the top, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it..." I said, alerting everyone in the lounge-room. I put my hand on the doorknob, twisting it.

"Hello?" I asked. I saw a tall-ish man, about the same height as Jack's father. He smiled before opening his mouth.

"Riley? Is it really you?" The man asked, looking me up and down.

"Yes. I'm Riley..." I said, really confused.

"You probably don't recognise me...but it's me...your dad..." The man spoke, smiling.

I couldn't move. I felt lightheaded and dizzy. My legs turned to jelly as I felt the floor below me disappear. I closed my eyes as I fell to the floor, becoming unconscious. I floated in and out of consciousness, hearing people worry as I felt my head being lifted up. Everything went black.
"Hello?" I asked. I saw a tall-ish man, about the same height as Jack's father. He smiled before opening his mouth. He looked familiar for some reason...

"Riley? Is it really you?" The man asked, looking me up and down.

"Yes. I'm Riley..." I said, really confused.

"You probably don't recognise me...but it's me...your dad..." The man spoke, smiling.

I opened my eyes in a sudden burst of fear. I continued to breath heavily as I frantically looked around the room then at my baby bump.

"Riley..." Jack spoke as he held my hand.

"You're ok. Our baby girl is ok. Everything is ok." He spoke, putting my fears to rest.

"Where am I?" I asked, confused.

"You're in a private hospital room. Your mom and brother are just outside." Jack said, smiling.

"W-What happened?" I asked, looking over at Jack.

"You fainted. But everything's ok." Jack said, exhaling.

"I had the worst nightmare ever. I dreamed that my dad showed up at my gender reveal..." I said, placing my hand over my bump.

"Uh...Riley...that wasn't a dream..." Jack said before my attention was diverted to the same man in my dream walking through the door. My mom attempted to stop him but he managed to get over to me.

"Hey Riley..." My dad said, moving his wedding ring on his finger. I could now tell that he had gotten married to his mistress because mom no longer wore her wedding ring...in fact she sold it.

"Why are you here?" I asked, angrily.

"I found out that you were pregnant and I wanted to come and congratulate you." He spoke, a tear forming in his eye.

"That's not the reason. You've been fidgeting with your wedding ring for the past 5 seconds..." I said, looking at his finger.

"M-My wife and I are having problems. I'm divorcing her and maybe...just maybe...your mom would want me back. I made a mistake leaving her all those years ago." My dad said, explaining his true intentions.

"Well...you made a mistake coming here. It's been 11 years. 11 YEARS since you left. Mom finally got over you. She sold her wedding ring because it was too hard to look at it without being reminded of you. Go back to that woman you cheated on mom with. You deserve all the problems that you have with her." I said, not looking away. Jack stood up, facing my dad.

"Get out. I never want to see your face anywhere near Riley, Thomas or their mom ever again." Jack said, clearly sending a chill down my dad's spine. He walked out of the room, attempting to talk to my mom but she turned her gaze away from him, not happy that he was near her.

"I'm glad you're ok Riley..." My mom said, smiling as she gave me a small hug.

"I'm just glad that my baby girl is ok..." I said, rubbing my baby bump.

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