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I woke up, seeing my mom holding Adrian in her arms. I smiled, seeing my two favourite people in the room together. I got up, now holding Adrian in my arms.

"Morning baby..." I said, kissing her. She giggled making me smile. I had gone back to work, seeing as my mom or Thomas would babysit Adrian while I was out.

"Any plans for today?" My mom asked.

"Well...no. Not really..." I spoke, trying to think.

"Don't believe her mom. The last time she said that, she went to a party and had sex with Jack." Thomas said, clearly eavesdropping. He dropped his joke as soon as he saw my face.

I hadn't mentioned his name in over 3 months. If someone talked about him, or mentioned his name, I wouldn't be in the room. Jack would come over, to visit Adrian, but even then I avoided him, not wanting to do and/or say something I would later regret.

"If you want to, you can come to the fair with Casey and I later? You can bring Adrian." Thomas spoke.

Thomas and Casey had started dating about a month ago. I remember how the conversation went down.
I opened Thomas' door, seeing him and Casey making out.

"I'm so sorry Riley! I tried to stop but-" I cut Casey off.

"-No need to apologise..." I said, giggling.

"W-What?" She asked, shocked by my calmness.

"I would be a hypocrite if I didn't let you and Thomas date. I mean...Thomas' friend dated me!" I said, avoiding saying his name.

"I'm so glad that you didn't spaz out and get angry." Casey said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"I'm not that kind of person...when I don't want to be anyway..." I said, remembering the day my wicked witch of a grandmother made her presence known in the house.
I smiled, nodding.

"I'll see how Adrian is feeling later on." I said, looking at my baby.

"Watch out...EBF approaching the house..." Casey said as she made her presence known in the room.

As a family, we created a code. EBF= Ex-Boyfriend. I quickly handed Adrian over to my mother, making my way out of my room and into Thomas' hiding spot. From what I heard, Jack would try and talk to me, trying to make amends for what happened, but I couldn't.

Riley walked out of the room, leaving Adrian in my arms. I walked downstairs, seeing Jack close the front door.

"Hey Ke-Mrs. Harper." He said, treading carefully.

"No. Before you ask, Riley isn't here. She's out." I said, making myself clear. Jack took Adrian from my arms before taking her over to the couch. I didn't allow him to take Adrian out of the house, seeing as I couldn't keep an eye on him if he wasn't here.

"Is there anyway I can see her? I know she's here. She's probably in Thomas' hiding hole..." Jack said, pushing boundaries.

"Like I established, Riley is out and won't be home for a while." I said, lying.

"If you say so..." Jack said, putting his attention onto Adrian.
After a few hours, Jack left the house, letting Riley come back out. Riley left the house with Thomas, Casey and Adrian, having fun at the fair. All three of them earned some cool prizes. Riley won a giant teddy-bear for Adrian, smiling while Adrian giggled. Obviously, Riley earned some disgusted looks from mothers, fathers, and even children. After Vikki visited, she told her friends and soon everyone around town knew about Riley's relationship to Adrian. It reminded her of Rosewood from the show Pretty Little liars. Riley remembered Ashley Marin (one of the main moms) saying that people can't make mistakes in Rosewood. That was kinda the vibe from this town as well.

They quickly went home, hanging out after Riley put Adrian down for a nap.

"So...I'm pretty sure I saw a boy eyeing you while we were in line for the Ferris wheel..." Casey said, nudging Riley.

"Casey. You know I don't want another relationship! Besides, I'm pretty sure he would have bolted away from me as soon as he knew I had a baby." Riley mentioned, rolling her eyes.

"I heard that boys love babies...especially when a girl is holding one..." Casey said, jokingly. She nudged Thomas' making his eyes widen. She laughed, casually falling backwards as her laughter lasted for a few seconds. Thomas and Riley looked at each other, questioning the laughing girl currently crying from laughter on the floor.

"Someone had too much sugar at the fair." Riley said, catching Casey's attention.

"How about I take you home..." Thomas said, holding out his hand for Casey to take. She took it, smiling.

"Don't forget to give Adrian a kiss for me." Casey said, having calmed down a little bit.

Casey was Adrian's aunt/godmother.

"Don't worry. I won't..." Riley said, smiling.

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