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I signed out of school early with Jack, making our way to the doctors office 7 blocks away.

"Riley?" Dr. Smith said as we stood up. Jack held my hand as we walked into the doctors office. I lifted up my shirt after sitting on the big blue chair.

"So. You're 12 weeks along today. Now, this week is a big milestone. You, Riley, have reached your 2nd trimester. This means that you should no longer be experiencing morning sickness, your taste buds might becoming a little weird but most importantly, your baby is now about the size of a passion fruit." Dr. Smith said as she turned the screen towards Jack and I.

Within seconds, we were seeing a small baby. It was now a formed baby, but no bigger than a passion fruit. I smiled at Jack as we stared at our little baby.

"Within the next couple of weeks, you should be starting to show. Now every 1-3 weeks, your stomach will grow larger. Have you guys thought about school?" Dr. Smith asked.

"Yeah. As soon as I am no longer able to hide my bump, I'll transition to homeschooling." I said, smiling. Dr. Smith smiled as the machine was turned off.

"I'd like you to meet someone." Dr. Smith said as she opened the door to reveal a 25 year old woman.

"This is Danielle. From this point on, Danielle will be your midwife." Dr. Smith spoke.

"Call me Dani." Danielle spoke, smiling.

"This means that when you go into labor in a couple of months, she'll be there, making sure everything goes smoothly. She'll attend all appointments to keep up with your progress." Dr. Smith explained.

"This is my number." Danielle spoke, handing a piece of paper with her number to me.

After another 5 minutes, Jack and I left the doctors office. I placed Danielle's number in my phone as well as in Jack's phone.
We arrived back at school, signing back in and going to our classes. The rest of the day went smoothly, except when the lunch bell rang. I watched as Tash walked up to me, a fake smile plastered on her face. She pulled me behind a classroom and stopped smiling.

"Why'd you miss two periods?" Tash asked, not hesitating.

"None of your business Tash." I spoke, harshly.

"Answer my question...or you'll regret it." Tash spoke, getting meaner.

"I had an appointment..." I said, not saying anything further.

"What appointment?" Tash asked. She clearly wasn't giving up. I had to lie.

"Psychologist." I said. Tash looked at me for a second. She expected me to be caught in a lie or something.

"Psychologist? What for? Are you mentally insane?" Tash asked. I didn't know if she was joking or not.

"No. I-I'm just....going through some things at the moment." I said, my heart pounding.

"Don't lie to me Riley. I know you went to the doctors office....for an ultrasound appointment. Your pregnant and your trying to hide it." Tash said. Crap. I have to lie again.

"What are you talking about?" I said in the most confused way I could.

"You're pregnant. All the pieces match. You leave the school and come back 1 hour later. You were vomiting a lot for the past 12 weeks and Jack always seems to be leaving the school with you. He's the father." Tash said, telling the truth, but I couldn't let her know that.

"I'm not pregnant Tash. I have regular psychologist appointments, I was vomiting because my stomach wasn't agreeing with me and Jack left with me because he was my only ride since my psychologist appointments are always scheduled when my mom is at work and Thomas can't drive me." I said, lying. Tash seemed to buy it though, so it meant that I was safe. Tash walked off in a huff, leaving me. I walked back to Jack, Casey and Thomas at the cafeteria, my heart still pounding.

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