The proposal

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I sat on the couch, holding my phone towards my face as I smile. I look over at my girlfriend. Yes. Riley and I put a label on us. We have been dating now for 3 months.

"Morning beautiful..." I watched as Riley hit the last step with her shoes. She walked into the room holding Adrian while wearing a plain white crop top with blue jeans. She obviously didn't put any makeup on, my eyes seeing a few pimples starting to show. I loved seeing her like this. No makeup, her normal, beautiful self.

"Are you talking to me or Adrian?" She asked, giving me a smile.

"Both of you." I admitted, getting up and kissing her. We had told her mother and brother that we had started dating again, maybe a week after we called it official. Casey was the most excited, saying that we were her OTP. I grabbed Adrian, letting Riley sit down and relax while I made Adrian and Riley some breakfast.

I walked over to the kitchen, seeing Casey and Thomas making out near the bench.

"GET A ROOM!" I yelled. They pulled away, slightly blushing.

I had the best day planned for Riley, and it didn't involve Thomas and Casey making out in front of me.

"So...babe...wanna go out for a date?" I asked, smiling, she nodded. She gave Adrian to her mom before going upstairs to change.
Driving to the secluded spot near the beaches that surrounded our town for our second date, Riley smiled when she saw our little spot. Riley and I walked over to the  specific tree that was planted near the edge of a cliff that looked out over the beaches. The date started out normally, with Riley laying on the grass as she smiled at looked at differed shapes in the sky. I checked my jacket pocket, hoping that my little "surprise" was still there.

Jack and I had spent nearly 3 hours at our little spot. As the sun went down, the signature colours lit up the sky. I looked up, unaware of what was going on. I looked back down to see Jack holding a small box in his hand. My eyes widened when he opened the box.

"Riley Harper...we got together because of our daughter. We broke up because of my stupidity and we got back together because of the love and chemistry we shared. I want to wake up next to you every day, never fearing that you'll leave me. Will you marry me Riley?"

"Yes." I said, not hesitating. He placed a circle cut diamond ring on my finger, smiling as he kissed me.

"Well this'll be a surprise..." Jack spoke. Laying down.

"The last surprise I ever gave to my mum was the news that I was pregnant with Adrian." I said, smiling as I looked at the ring while laughing.
We got into the car, driving off while Jack had his hand on my leg, rubbing it as I relaxed. We arrived back home, walking inside.

"Riley Harper what is that on your finger?!" My mother spoke, looking at the engagement ring.

"Surprise..." I said, holding out my hand so she could get a better look.

"Let's just hope that Thomas doesn't get too freaked out." My mom spoke, hugging me.

"We just have to keep this from my dad..." Jack admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

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