Back to square one

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Unlike the first time Riley and I got together, we wanted to take our newly renewed relationship slow. When we first got together, it was because of a baby that we had created. We jumped in, not knowing much about each other, even though we were friends. Now that we have a 2 year and 3 month old daughter, we had some form of a relationship going. As mentioned, we were taking it slow. We wouldn't call each other boyfriend and girlfriend and we couldn't let anyone know until everything was figured out. We would be acting as though nothing had changed.

"Morning Riley." I said, smiling. I had woken up an hour after Riley seeing as Adrian was restless all night.

"How's Adrian? Did she not sleep well again?" I asked, sitting besides her.

"Nope. Once again, Adrian woke up at 2am, then again at 3:30am. It's like somethings bothering her but I can't figure it out..." Riley spoke, rubbing her eyes. Riley hadn't been sleeping well either, trying to calm Adrian down at 2 in the morning.

"How about, we leave Adrian here with Thomas and we can go out?" I asked, holding her hand.

"Like a date?" Riley asked.

"Yeah. Kinda like a date." I admitted, smiling.

"Sure. Adrian needs time with her uncle anyways." Riley spoke, planting a sweet kiss on my cheek.

We both got ready, Riley putting on some makeup to cover up the fact that she barely got any sleep. She slipped into a nice dress before we left.

"So...anywhere special in mind?" Riley asked, a little nervous.

"Yeah. I had a place in mind." I spoke holding Riley's hand as we drove.

Driving to a secluded spot near the beaches that surrounded our beautiful town, was probably the most romantic thing I could've done. There was a specific tree that was planted near the edge of a cliff that looked out over the beaches. It was nearly 12pm and we parked. I had planned the perfect "date" for today. It would end around sunset, where the beach would be enveloped by a beautiful colour of red, orange, yellow and a light purple.

"We're here." I said, getting out of the car. I opened the car door, letting Riley exit the car.
For the next 5 hours, we talked, kissed a few times and enjoyed the sunset as we laid on the grass. After the sun had set and the sky turned dark, we drove home, being welcomed by the vision of Adrian walking towards us.

"She's been falling over a lot, but every time she got right back up." Thomas spoke, smiling as I picked Adrian up. Riley walked upstairs, taking off the makeup she had put on. As she got changed, I walked up to her, hugging her as her shirt laid on the bed.

"Jack..." She said, pulling herself away from me.

"Sorry..." I said, backing away. I laid on her bed, hoping that we would have had more amazing dates like this one. I kissed her, smiling as we kissed for a solid minute. We pulled away when we heard a knock on Riley's door. "Just a minute." Riley spoke, putting a shirt on as I sat up from the bed.

"Why are you two in here alone? Your not back together are you?" Thomas asked, giving us a eyeing look as he looked us up and down.

"N-No! We're just discussing future endeavours relating to Adrian. That's all." Riley spoke up, defusing the situation before it got out of hand.

"Are you sure?" Thomas asked, just to double check. "Yeah. Of course. Nothing is going on." I added, smiling to Thomas.

Once Thomas left, I smiled, looking back at Riley. "That was close." Riley spoke, getting a comfy jumper from her closet. "Well...we have to be more careful..." I spoke, giving her a slight smirk.

"Oh, and before I forget...will you go on another date with me?" I asked, holding her hand. She smiled, nodding.

"Yes. I will go on another date with you." Riley spoke, kissing my cheek.

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