History repeated

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I sat on the couch, having a day off from work.

"Mom! Adrian won't take me to school!" Noah said, angry at his older sister.

"If Jane was here you wouldn't treat me like this!" Noah yelled angrily at Adrian.

Adrian was now 17 and Noah was now 14.

"Adrian! I told you yesterday that you need to take Noah to school!" I said, getting upset at the 17 year old who stood in the kitchen drinking her coffee.

Ugh, I hate having a younger brother! He's so needy!

"Mom, I-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before I ran upstairs to my bathroom and vomited. That was the 2nd time in 2 days. I hadn't been feeling myself and I think my mom noticed.

"Honey, are you alright?" My mom asked as I came back down stairs.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine. It's just a stomach bug." I said. I drank my decaf coffee.

Grabbing my bag, I called out to Noah.

"You have 15 seconds before I get in my car and drive off!" I said. Noah quickly ran to my car, getting in.

"Bye mom." I said, not really caring.
School was normal. I dropped Noah off before parking my car outside the building. Like always, I passed Nick with his girlfriend and her friends on the way to my locker. He gave me a look before giving me a shocked face. He obviously just remembered who I was and why I looked so familiar.

Vomiting a lot today, I was very nervous. I needed to ask my friend Lila a favour. After school finished, Lila took me to her place after we bought 3 tests. Waiting for what seemed like ages, they all gave me an answer that I was terrified for. Positive. II. Pregnant. That's when I remembered what happened two weeks ago.

Lila luckily convinced my mom to let me go to a high school party. We got ready and headed to the party.

"You ready to party Adrian?!" Lila said, already partly drunk. We walked into the house and everything went downhill. People were dancing, making out, drinking and other things. I headed to the drinks table, pouring myself a cup of vodka and I was drunk after my 3rd cup.

As I danced, a familiar boy walked up and started dancing behind me. Uh oh..it was Nick Jones, our schools main quarterback. We danced for a while, both of us drunk. After a while we went upstairs and found a vacant room and within 20 seconds, we had progressed from kissing, to making out, to sex.

4 and 1/2 hours later, I woke up naked in a bed I didn't recognise, freaking out when I noticed who was sleeping naked next to me. I quickly got out of bed without him noticing before grabbing my clothes, putting them on and heading home.

3 days later, Lila took me to the doctors and they confirmed it.

I headed home, the tests in my bag, before Noah and my mom walked through the door, dad closely behind them.

"Noah, you need to go do your homework." My mom spoke as Noah raced to his room followed by dad, trying his best to catch up with him.

"Hey Adrian! How was school!" My mom asked as she gave me a hug.

"It was good!" I said, trying to lie.

"N-No. I lied. Mom...there's something I need to tell you." I said, sitting my mother down at the table.

Adrian sat me down at the table, slightly freaking me out. Jack was upstairs with Noah so it ws just the two of us.

"What's going on honey?" I asked, concerned that something had gone wrong.

"What I have to tell you...may be shocking at first, but you need to understand that it was a complete accident." She said.

"Just tell me honey." I said, slightly smiling. If I wasn't scared then, I definitely was now.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I spoke, encouraging her. I could see the tears form in her eyes. I rubbed her back, smiling. She wiped the tears from her eyes before speaking.

"Mom...I'm pregnant, with Nick Jones' baby." Adrian spoke. Those were words I never expected to come from my own daughter, yet...they just did.

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