my secret place

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The cool wind was blowing, no matter where you see, the land was covered in a thick blanket of white snow. There was a very peaceful atmosphere at the moment. then suddenly in the beautiful clearing inside Inuyasha's forest, there was a sudden bright light of the bright magic that was appearing from inside of the bone-eaters well that stood still in the center of this stunning clearing. then came a very soft voice of a girl that was at the minute was cursing :3 ...

''Stupid that stupid damn Hanyou. Where is he? he told me he would be here when I will come by after three days in morning *sigh* now I have to climb up by myself *shiver* so cold I should have worn more clothes " suddenly she smiled ''but it is also soo beautiful and lovely season''

the girl name is kagome she has beautiful raven color hairs, very deep blue color eyes, a fair color skin all in all she was very exquisite to look^^

kagome then started to climb up of the old magic well . after so much difficulty with her monster backpack, she finally accomplished her task of coming out of the well. she started moving forward toward the Edo village as looked around her

''wow it is soo beautiful so white so peaceful I wish I could stay here forever ''she whirled around in circles and thought of wandering around the forest for a while until Inuyasha (the Baka Hanyou) come.

she started marching forward deep into the forest her snow boots helping her move forward, a cool wind blowing making her long traces flow gently with it gently too. she stopped just near a very big cave that has steam coming out of it as she moved inside it, she felt a tingling feeling of very pure magic but she thought it her illusion as she walked forward it was all dark no light was there but her feet didn't stop she saw a glowing ahead as she marched faster toward it then she came by very beautiful hot spring surrounded by very flush and green leaves and have many flowers around the cave that she can't even recognize. there was also a waterfall from which water was flowing slowly and steadily down the stone and collecting in the small pond just near the hot water pond. a very gentle and warm wind was blowing around it unlike the cold wind all the nature was all unaffected by the outside cold. a very mysterious warmhearted glow that envelopes this peculiar cavern and with this glow she can see everything with it but as she looked around the cave to find where is it coming from she couldn't find the source of this wonderful bright glow. she heard a low thud sound of something she turned around and saw a very small kawaii white fluffy rabbit near the hot spring that was looking at her in a very surprising stare, she lifted down her huge bag on the ground as she slowing started nearing it and it cautiously watched but didn't run away as if it knew she would not harm it in any way. when she was close enough, she sat on the flush leaves ground in Indian style and moved her hand to pat the small creature. the rabbit was uncertain at first but then moved its head towards her to touch it. Kagome was surprised at its intellectual green emerald eyes but then smiled and patted it tenderly. the rabbit suddenly jumped in her lap and softly rubbed its face in her stomach.

''Aww, how kawaii little being you are hehe'' Kagome said as she hugged it tightly. the rabbit whimpered slightly at being completely crushed ''oh my! I am sorry rabbi-kun'' Kagome apologised and rubbed its head tenderly.

then she stood up and looked around the cave .this cave it have a very mystery and a magical thing about that she can't comprehend. she wanted to stay here forever .'' she sighed'' she can't she knew that. but who says that she can't come here again. oh ho she will and definitely come here again. she looked down at the little rabbi kun and smiled.this cave was a very peaceful and warm place and this cave will become her secret place of comfort.

As she looked at the hot spring, she felt a great urge of bathing in its warm comforting glow.

''Ahha who I am to resist," she gave a shrug and grinned. she put down the rabbi kun on the ground and the rabbi stood there watching her. then she started shredding off of her clothes and kept them neatly on the stone near the spring. she slowly entered the hot spring and sighed very dreamily when she finally felt the warm liquid on her body.she settled inside the spring after washing herself without using any washing material 'cause she didn't want to dirty its purity by using chemicals. she found a bigg stone and leaned against it with her eyes closed and sighed peacefully. Amusingly she realised that she had sighed so much in just one day today . as she relaxed more she grew more dazzled and eventually falled into her dreamland .

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