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Yvette felt very surprised. When she went upstairs just now, she found that she hadn't taken her careless bag, and she came down to get the bag, but she didn't expect to see her husband Chuck in it.

Chuck also thought it was over. If Yvette knew that he was a "local tyrant" in this situation, would she be angry?


Chuck sighed in his heart, ready to confess.

How can he help Yvette with this "local tyrant" identity, wouldnshe be too angry?

Chuck was ready to speak.

But Wilbur's face was up, "Chuck, what's the matter with you? Tell me, can't you handle little things. I'm blocking you for dinner now. I'll use the toilet. Do you want to block me too?" what?"


Chuck was speechless, but he also felt more about Wilbur, it was good to make this friend.

At least clever.

Yvette felt distressed, her husband came to apologize to Wilbur for work. Asking for forgiveness?


"Sorry, my husband won't be next time." Of course, Yvette spoke for Chuck. She doesn't want to see her husband wronged.


"Okay, you've interceded for your husband, then forget this time, pay attention next time." Wilbur said as he went out, as if angry.

Of course, he went out to see the beauty of the leaves. He shot the scene here, but in a few days, he had to hurry up and chase the beauty of the leaves.


Chuck breathed a sigh of relief, as did Yvette, "Husband, it doesn't matter, this is the way of work, how many days do you rest?"

Chuck shook his head, "No need."


Chuck thinks that Yvette is now under great pressure, but he is relaxed about her. Chuck is helpless. These things Yvette should say to himself.


"Well, my husband, are you going to sit in my office?" Yvette worried that Chuck would be targeted by those people.

Chuck wanted to transfer money to Yvette now, so she can't go to her office, "Wife, I'm going to learn boxing this afternoon."

"Her husband, be careful." Yvette was worried.

"I will."

"Then I will go up." Yvette took the bag and went to her company. Chuck called Yolanda and asked her to transfer 700,000. Within a minute, the money arrived, and Chuck used WeChat to transfer to Yvette, with a postscript, you should repay the loan shark first. The loan shark is not a joke. If something goes wrong, let your husband know what to do?

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now