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The inch-sized younger brother was shocked. They saw that their boss was stunned by a woman like this, and he vomited blood in his mouth. Who is this?

"Grass mud horse, you dare to beat my boss?"

"Let's go together! Her mother actually beat our boss! Go!"

A few young brothers in, Cuntou rushed over angrily, but before Chuck responded, just a few screams rang, Chuck saw that these people had no chance of approaching Logan, and was easily beaten by Logan with one hand, By the way, her arm is so perfect and beautiful, so much strength?

Solved five people, less than three seconds!

Chuck felt like a dream. Logan came over with a smile and a soft voice, "Chuck, what are they doing? Loan usury?"

"Yes, they are loan sharks." Chuck looked at the inch, although they passed out, but there were disbelief and fear in his face.

He shouldn't have thought that a beautiful and tall woman like Logan would stun him with a single stroke.

He must have been shocked and frightened before he passed out.

"Ultra loan? This is not good."

Logan shook her head, she took out her phone, took pictures of the inch, and then sent it to someone, and then said, "Solve the loan shark company of this person! ... Yes, all solved! Including all his property, I don't want him to own it again. A penny! Forever!"

Logan hung up the phone and saw Chuck shocked. She smiled and asked softly, "Chuck, are you scared?"

Chuck shook his head.

He couldn't help it. He planned to ask his mother for a few people yesterday, who blocked the position and broke his company. But he didn't expect Cuntou to tease Aunt Logan without his long eyes today.

Aunt Logan personally shot, this is really his day.

Logan received another call and heard a message.

She was a little stunned. She received her phone and smiled, "Chuck, do you have a holiday with them? Wait, I will share all the property of his company with those who need it, and then divide the money between him and you. Call you."

Chuck is not surprised. A woman like Logan only needs one phone call to describe it with only four words.

"Thank you, Aunt Logan." Chuck was embarrassed.

"Thank me for what? Take me to breakfast, I am hungry." Logan smiled, reached out to touch Chuck's hair, Chuck's heartbeat accelerated, he saw Logan's white arm again, and there was a black on the Shoulder Straps.

this is......

Chuck quickly stopped looking and lowered his head, "Aunt Logan, let's go down,"

"Good." Logan withdrew his hand, really a good boy.

The two went downstairs by elevator.

Half an hour later, Cuntou woke up confused, and he found his body hurt, what happened to him? Was he beaten by a woman just now?

"Useless things, can't get up yet!" Cuntou kicked a few younger brothers, but they were so dizzy that they couldn't wake up. To this extent, they couldn't wake up in a day.

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now