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Chuck Cannon was chatting in the Yolanda Lane office. He heard Yolanda Lane said that the restaurant of Zelda Maine had already been renovated. Yesterday Zelda Maine came in the afternoon. Chuck Cannon thought about kissing Zelda Maine in the bar room last time. He felt guilty.

It's not good how to face her. Chuck Cannon was afraid that he couldn't stand it that day and was attracted by Zelda Maine's hot body. He really did what Zelda Maine did. That's too sorry for Yvette Jordan.

He was also sorry for Zelda Maine because Chuck Cannon can't give her anything.

Chuck Cannon sighed. At this time, his mobile phone WeChat had had an information, it was from Yvette Jordan, 


Chuck Cannon looked at it doubtfully, and Yvette Jordan sent smiley pictures.

What is this for?

Chuck Cannon ignored her suspiciously and put the phone in her pocket. The "Local Tyrant" should try not to appear. Anyway, the problem of Yvette Jordan is basically solved now.

Chuck Cannon thought, today he would go to Yvette Jordan to find how much she borrowed from loan shark. He has to go and have a look. Chuck Cannon can't wait to collapse this company position. He stands up, "Yolanda Lane, I'm going out."

"Yes," Yolanda Lane nodded with a smile.

But how to say, chatting with a beautiful woman like Yolanda Lane is still very good, anyway, familiar, Chuck Cannon can still make jokes with her, seeing a beautiful woman laugh, in fact, is a kind of enjoyment, after all, Yolanda Lane is a real beauty.

It was just when Chuck Cannon was about to leave that she suddenly saw the black stockings that Yolanda Lane was wearing today, and the back of her leg was a little bit broken. She probably didn't see that the black stockings were exposed, and the white skin inside was really eye-catching.

In fact, men like this looming feeling.

She often wears a skirt, so legs are often seen, but today this is looming, there is still no temptation.

Chuck Cannon thought about not saying it, after all, it was a bit embarrassing, but thinking about being too familiar, he said, "That, your black stockings seem to be broken."

Yolanda Lane looked down, it was true, she was a little embarrassed, her beautiful face was a little red, just like Apple, "Yeah."

"It would be better to take it off." Chuck Cannon made comments. Anyway, she is a professional attire and the skirt is not short.

Yolanda Lane nodded awkwardly, "Yes,"

This atmosphere was embarrassing, and of course, Chuck Cannon wouldn't stay any longer. He glanced at it more and turned to go out.

Yolanda Lane let out a sigh of relief and prepared to go to the toilet to take it off, so it was really bad to wear it.

But this time, Yvette Jordan walked in, "What about Chuck Cannon?"

"Just went out," Yolanda Lane said.

"Yes." Yvette Jordan pouted, she just asked clearly, Wilbur Wendel admitted that the "Local Tyrant" is Chuck Cannon, Yvette Jordan's hanging heart was loose, really he!

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now