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Shane decided to give this man a bit of trouble because a woman like Logan is not something you can touch.
You touched it, and Toad wanted to eat swan meat. When you touched it, it was a violent disaster!
Logan glanced at him, "Take me to see your father."
She was ready to say hello, and then sent her heart, and went to the corner to eat with Chuck.
She didn't want to say a word to the man in front of him.

"All right, please." Shane was annoyed.
"Chuck, you come with me." Logan turned to Chuck.
Of course, Chuck had no comments and followed Logan.
Shane frowned, "This is?"
How can he make Logan do this under such a hasty lead under his nose?
He must be bitter!
"My nephew Chuck." Logan was soft and gone.
Shane just smiled. It turned out to be a nephew. I said how your boy can get close to Logan by shit luck.
You know, Logan is not seen by ordinary people.
"Okay, please inside." Shane smiled, and he looked at Chuck with a glance.
"Don't hit him any idea, even if I don't do it, his mother will make you unable to eat and walk!" Logan's voice cooled down. How could she not see that Shane was hostile to Chuck just now?
Shane frowned, "Who is her mother?"
"To be honest, you don't have the right to know." Logan shook his head. If it weren't Shane's father, Logan wouldn't even say a word to Shane, even if he met him, Logan wouldn't.

These words angered Shane, but he was afraid of Logan, so he didn't get angry, but also made him look at Chuck again.
"Chuck, let's go in," Logan regained his tenderness.
"Well, Aunt Logan," Chuck followed Logan. At this time, the people inside came out, an old man who looked good, and was sixty or seventy years old.
"Logan is here," the old man showed a happy look. In fact, he had little relationship with Logan, and he was a distant cousin.
"Well, uncle." Logan smiled.
"It's not easy. You came to this place. Did you come here to develop?" The old man was surprised.
"No, my nephew took me to play, I followed him around, Chuck called people, this is Mr. Shane," Logan said to Chuck.
"Mr. Shane." Chuck is polite, as he should be with his elders.
"Okay, the afterlife is awesome!" The old man smiled.
"Uncle, happy birthday, I brought him over to want to say something to you." Logan didn't turn around.
"Logan you said."
"Isn't uncle a plot there? Does uncle mean to sell?"
"Logan, do you want?" The old man was surprised. He didn't plan to sell the land. He was going to build the building by himself, but since Logan spoke, he would definitely agree.
How to say, Logan is so successful now and is so polite to himself, this is rare!
"Well, I want it," Logan said his own.
"No, I want to sell it to you last time. You said no. Is it him?" Shane was unhappy and he stared at Chuck.
The old man looked at Chuck again. He didn't know this young man, but the land was worth 1.5 billion yuan. Logan could easily take it out, but could this young man?
Of course, if Logan bought him, it would be a different matter.
But if it is not, then the young man is more strenuous, which is what the old man thinks.
Logan glanced at Shane, "Yes."
"That land is 1.5 billion yuan if you don't help him, can he buy it?" Shane asked.
"Affordable," Logan said.

The old man got an accident. Shane stared at Chuck for a few moments, "Boy, who are your parents? Seven or eight billion is not a small project anymore. If you want to buy it, it is paid in one lump. We can’t accept installments or the same as."
"I can buy it, you just have to sell it." Chuck doesn't matter anymore. Aunt Logan has a good vision, so she lets herself buy it, so why is it wrong?
Chuck didn't want to miss the opportunity, he could only ask his mother for money. When his business empire started, he still had to invest the necessary money.
Such awesome? Shane is even more unhappy, but Logan is here, he dare not say more, after all, Logan's money, but their Shane family all have terrible figures.
He discussed with his father, of course, the old man did not refuse, how to say Logan opened the mouth.

"Okay, tomorrow you go to our company for an interview." Shane nodded, more unhappy in his heart. If it was not Logan, I would buy it for you? Does our Shane family also lack money?
Chuck had no opinion, and when he would go back, he could just talk to his mother.
"Uncle, are you busy with you, we will come by ourselves," Logan said.
Old man smiling.
Shane said, "It's good over there. I prepared a lot of good dishes today, and you will eat more later."
"Of course, the food here is delicious." Of course, Chuck said, this is his mother's hotel.
Shane is unhappy, I said the hotel, you care about the business? Not tasty, will I choose here??
"It seems that you often eat here, young man." Shane smiled and smiled.
"Of course," Chuck said, but his mother's hotel, this sentence was not said.
"That line, there are many kinds of dishes ordered today, even if you usually eat it often, it is unlikely to eat all."
"I will try those, Aunt Logan, let's go over there." Chuck was also hungry, ready to eat something to pad first.
Logan smiled and followed.

"Dad, who is this kid?" Shane asked uncomfortably.
"Shane, why haven't you changed your personality? Logan's nephew, do you still think he is poor?" The old man sighed, he was helpless, but there was only one son, but this son did not scramble, all day knowing to eat, drink, and look down on anyone.
How could he have such a son? Sooner or later something will happen!
Shane was even more upset, "Dad, what are you afraid of? Are you not Uncle of Logan? Why does she dare to do you? I look down on him. What can Logan do to me? She dares to do it to me?"
"Alas, Shane, Logan can adjust our family casually, but she remembers that I am her elder, so she hasn't done it, don't touch her bottom line, otherwise..." the old man sighed.

"Dad, otherwise? What do you think about it? Logan respects you so much. I won't be troubled even if I kicked the kid in the past." Shane knows this clearly. Logan respects the elders, even if he does it himself. Whatever happened, she would also look at her father's face, when nothing happened.
Shane stared at Chuck, okay, see if you come tomorrow, can you come up with 1.5 billion at a time.

The old man sighed even more. His son was not saved. Does Logan have a bottom line? He was just a distant relative who had a little relationship with her. He only hoped that his son would not do too much, otherwise Logan was really furious, and he would be useless no matter how.
Chuck drank a little water and went to the toilet.
Logan is waiting, the birthday feast is about to begin, her eyes are turning, feeling a little uneasy, are those people coming again? It should not be, but this is Karen's place, no one can make trouble in Karen's place!

"What are you doing? You can't even drink wine. It’s your hotel, you are just a waiter?" Shane, who came to the toilet, was annoyed because a girl hit him and red wine was poured on his expensive suit.
That’s right, the waiter is Queenie. She came to work part-time, but it’s not her fault. Shane himself bumped into him. He looked at the beautiful woman and he didn’t pay attention.
"Not yet!" Shane scolded, but today his father's birthday banquet, he did not want to make trouble.
"Yes." Queenie nodded grievously, carrying the plate to clean up.

But Shane found his suit was destroyed, he was annoyed, "Let your manager come, my suit is more than one million!"
Queenie was scared, such expensive clothes? "Sorry, please come here, I will clean it for you."
"While cleaning Nima, I want you to wash these clothes. Can you get your mother's clothes? Let your manager come over. If it's not my father's birthday feast today, I would have killed you, go!" Shane scolded.
Queenie was so scared that her tears came out. Where can she afford to pay more than one million for clothes?
At this time, Chuck came out of the toilet, he saw the crying Queenie, he was surprised, but came over, "Queenie, why are you here?"
Queenie was stunned, and more tears came, and Chuck walked over with distress, "It's okay, it's okay, what's wrong?"
Shane mocked, actually met a waiter? Haha!! "It's okay? She is your friend, right? I just splashed red wine on me. My suit is 1.3 million, customized, you can figure it out!"
If it weren't for seeing you as Logan's nephew, I would have kicked it!

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now