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Chuck was so embarrassed.

"Chuck, it's okay, just take off your jacket, I think you have been kicked in the chest for a few feet, don't hurt the internal organs." Logan came over, worried in the eyes.

Chuck did it, took off his shirt, and indeed saw the red footprints on his body. Those people's feet were too strong. Chuck was going to be knocked out just now.

"Chuck, lie on the sofa, be good." Logan said, going to the room to get things, she would carry some self-help things with her.

Chuck lay down and saw Logan coming over with some medicine. First, he pierced his skin with a dagger, put blood on it, and then rubbed it with medicine. It looked simple, but this is not what the average person can do.

"Apply the medicine, bear with it," Logan rubbed the medicine gently, and Chuck felt the pain was extreme. What kind of medicine is this?

Fortunately, after tingling, Chuck felt numb. However, when Logan lowered her head to apply the medicine, she didn’t expose at all. Screen.

So beautiful.

"Chuck, you will sleep here today," Logan said. It wouldn't be possible to go back so late. You must lie down after the injury is treated.

"Well, Aunt Logan, I listen to you," Chuck didn't dare to look around. If Aunt Logan discovered it, that would be bad.

"Sleep well, can you tell me anything?" Logan gently touched Chuck's hair.

Chuck nodded, but Logan's arm was also red. This was just left by the steel pipe. Chuck hurriedly sat up and took Logan's hand, which was really delicate, "Aunt Logan, your arm ,"

"It's okay, I went into the room myself." Logan's injury was nothing to her, it was just a bit painful.

"Aunt Logan, I learned how you handled it just now, and I will deal with it for you," Chuck felt guilty and distressed. If it weren't for her own hindsight, how could she be hurt with Aunt Logan's strength?

Logan smiled, "Okay."

Chuck painted the gourd in the same way, and also stabbed Logan's arm with a dagger. For the first time, his hand was light, and the thorn could not be broken. Chuck did not dare to stab, because this is a sharp dagger.

Seeing Chuck being so careful, Logan smiled softly, "It's alright."

Chuck nodded, and then dared to prick gently, and the black blood bleed out. Chuck was busy covering it, and his hands and feet were busy. Logan laughed softer. This child was too simple.

After bandaging Logan, Chuck was relieved, "Aunt Logan, all right."

"Well, thank you, Chuck, you go to bed early, call me if you have anything," Logan was satisfied, the dressing was very strange, but this was Chuck's efforts to dress up, she just wanted to laugh just now, but hold back, she didn’t want to Dispel Chuck's enthusiasm.

She stood up and went to the room. Chuck was lying on the sofa with the picture in Logan's neckline. Chuck felt that she could not sleep tonight, but she might feel too tired and fell asleep unconsciously.

In the room, Logan heard Chuck's snoring sound because she was too tired. She chuckled. "Was the child still snoring?"

Logan was relieved and she took out her mobile phone to call and connected.

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now