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After all, it's not that scandalous. What's wrong with him giving his girlfriend five million dollars to spend as Yolanda's "boyfriend"?

"Auntie," as soon as Chuck opened his mouth, a BMW drove out from inside the neighborhood just now, the window open, it was the heavily made-up Aunt Yolanda.

She looked at Chuck with disdain, no car at all, poor guy.

"Don't rush me, I'll be there soon, a few poor relatives are still squatting at the door, what are you doing? Waiting for the bus. Can they afford a car? Okay, here it is." Auntie said, the gas pedal pounding away.

Yolanda's mother saw it. Sigh even, "really relatives, when it comes to money, your own sister also dislikes yourself, you know her family used to but I helped them, alas ."

"Auntie, don't be sad." Chuck knew the feeling of being looked down on every day when he was at school.

However, speaking of which, Chuck was wondering if his old mother had any real sisters or something like that.

Chuck knew too little about this, I guess there were, Chuck also wanted to have cousins and cousins.

Of course, Logan didn't count, Logan recognized her own mother as her sister, but Logan and her mother had no blood relationship at all.

Logan is not related to her mother at all. Yolanda's mother sighs and feels very sad, but she also sees past it, as she has enjoyed a lot of glory in her first half of her life, and the rest of her life is no big deal.

At this time, Yolanda came back from buying water, "Mom, drink some water,"

Auntie was next, taking a sip, "Let's just go home, daughter."

"En." Yolanda also wanted to see his dad, he must feel guilty, and his own mom needed to rest.

After a while, the bus came over, the three of them went up, well at this time of the day, there were few people on the bus and all three of them had a place to sit.

"Daughter, your boyfriend has a good personality." Yolanda's mother said.

Yolanda blushed, shook her head and said, "Mom, you misunderstood, he's not my boyfriend."

"What isn't? Are you still trying to hide this from me? He just said himself that he's been with you for months, so how come he still won't admit it on your side?"

"Mom, it's really not." Yolanda was helpless, her beautiful eyes looking towards Chuck who was sitting behind her, grateful.

"People don't dislike us, and you still don't acknowledge him?" Yolanda's mom was a little angry.

"Mom, well, it's good, right?" Yolanda said, thinking that she had acted as Chuck's girlfriend before, which was fine.

"Ugh, your father was cheated out of so much money this time, what should you do? What should we do if your aunt won't lend us the money and we can't find anyone else to help?" She was all sad thinking about it, her eyes were moist again, what should she do with this?

She was all worried about her heart.

"Mom, I really borrowed the money, Chuck, he lent it to me," Yolanda pointed her finger at Chuck.

"What? Your boyfriend lent it to you?" The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your family. How can an ordinary family lend you five million?"

MY BILLIONAIRE MOM - PART 2Where stories live. Discover now