Imagine for Bree: Ryland

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So you have had this crush on this guy in your high school. His name is Ryland, but one problem. You don't think he likes you back. He is nice to you and all and will make small talk and what not, but that's about it.
One day you were waking to Chemistry and you dropped your books. "oh let me help you with that!" Someone says. You have no idea but, you lean down anyway to grab the books. The unknown person grabs the book first but your hand touches his.
You look up and its Ryland! You wanna faint right there but, you refuse to ruin this moment. You both look into each other's eyes. He smiles and you smile back.
You straighten back up and so does he. "Thank you!" You say politely. "Your welcome. Hey uh Bree? I was wondering if you might wanna hang out after school?" WHAT!? "Um yeah sure that sounds great." You replied. He smiles and so do you.
"Well uh I guess I'll see you tomorrow if that works." He says. "Oh uh yeah that's amazing!" You smile and you both part ways. Waiting for tomorrow.

The next day. After school

You walk out into the parking lot. You look for Rylands car and you spot him standing by it waiting on you. You jog over there not wanting him to wait to long. "Hey sorry it took so long." You apologize.
"Hey no it's okay! I just got here anyway!" He replies with a smile on his face. He opens the door for you and you hop inside. It's a really nice car. Leather seats and seat warmers. He also has a sick bass system.
We drive off into a movie theater parking lot. We park not to far off and walk to get tickets. After you get tickets you get popcorn, Cokes and candy. You find your theater and sit down at the top.
When the movie starts he pops the arm of the chair up and pulls you closer. You stay like that for the rest of the movie. When it's over he grabs your hand and leads you out. You walk back to his car and he drives you home.
Before you can even get out of the car he says "Hey Bree I had a great time with you today. And I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" You nod and say yes. He smiles and kisses your cheek and you walk up to your porch and wave.
He waves back and drives away. You walk in your house and blush like crazy. It's been an amazing night!

Hey hope you liked it Bree! And sorry if your not in high school but the story just seemed to work better like that. Anyway thanks for requesting!

- <3 M

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