Imagine for Rose: Ross

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"Please just go to sleep!" You say to a crying two year old. Your older sister went to the Bahamas with her husband so you did the sisterly thing and said you would watch Chase her two year old son. Bad idea! He won't stop crying, he is very clingy, and will not go to sleep! His nap time was two hours ago!

You do the only thing you could thing of and call you fiancé. He picks up and you sigh. "Ross we have an emergency!" You say kinda annoyed. "What?! Are you okay? I'll be right over!" He hangs up not even letting you answer his questions.

You hear the door open. "Rose!" He stops. He slowly walks in the living room where you were and stands in the doorway. He stares at you and chuckles. "Babe, this was your emergency! Your crying nephew!" He laughs again. You sigh and hand him to Ross. Chase is still crying so Ross goes and gets a bottle. He feeds Chase and before the bottle is gone Chase is asleep in Ross's arms. He goes and places him in his crib in the bedroom and comes back.

You sigh and sit on the couch. You put your head in your hands. He sits beside you and starts rubbing your back. " What's wrong babe?" He asks. "I am going to be a terrible mother someday!" you cry. He cuddles you and plays with your hair. He knows that you loved it when people played with your hair. " Rose you are not going to be a terrible mother, you just have had a long day and you are probably exhausted!" He soothes you.

You smile slightly and give a small kiss. "Thanks Ross!" You smile and cuddle close. You fall asleep in his arms and he carries you to your room and gently lays you on your bed. He lays down next to you and watches you sleep.

When you wake up you expect to hear crying but, there is none. Ross is not beside you so you assumed he left while you were sleeping. You walk into Chase's room and look in the crib. He's not there! You freak out and run downstairs. You run into the kitchen to call 911 but, then you see Ross holding Chase while making a bottle. You sigh and run up to Ross. " Y'all scared me to death! I thought Chase had been kidnapped!" You snap.

"Sorry babe! But he started crying and I didn't want to wake you up so I got him and I am going to feed him a bottle while you go back to sleep!" He insists.

You smile and give Ross and kiss and kiss Chase on the cheek. You walk back to your room and lay on your bed. Ross will be a great father some day you think to your self! You slowly drift back into a peaceful slumber!

Hope you liked it Rose! A little bit more boring but, still cute and romantic! I had fun writing it and thanks for requesting!!

- <3 M

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