Hanging with Rydel: Jocelyn

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Your phone rings and you pick it up. "Hello?" You ask with a morning voice. It's 10am. It's too early for you on the weekend. "Hey wanna go get some fro-yo today. Maybe the beach or the pier." Your friend Rydel ask.
"Yeah sure but can it wait. It's too early. I'm still tired." you complain through the phone. "No now go get ready. I'll be there in 30." She demands. You sluggishly get out of your bed and get dressed.
*30 min. later *
Rydel arrived right on time and you get in her car. Chubs as she calls it. You go to the frozen yogurt shop. You load it with candy and fruit. After you both have your yogurt you head to the beach.
"Let's go swimming." Rydel says stripping to her bathing suit. You do the same. You plunge into the water. You end up having a water fight and go body surfing. Which she had to teach you.
Basically she told you to find a wave and lay on your back and ride it. No board required. It was fun until you almost ran into a giant rock and almost died.
After you were done she took you home and you fell right to sleep.

Hope you liked it. Sorry if it sucks. But thanks for requesting.
- <3 M

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