Imagine for Vikki

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I wake up expecting Riker to be next to me. He wasn't. I sit up and remembered its our first anniversary! It had been exactly one year since I got married to that goof ball! Speaking of the goof ball where is he?
I roll out of bed and tame the mess that is my hair and brush my teeth. I walk downstairs to a note on the counter. It read "Hey Vikki! Gone to my bros house for a bro day! See you when I get home! P.s I love you! <3 "
WHAT?! He forgot it was our first anniversary! Oh when he gets home he is gonna get a mouthful from me! Since the guys are having a bro day then I'm having a girl day! I call up Rydel, Savannah, Alexa and my friend Grace.
They all arrive within thirty minutes. I am dressed by then but have no makeup on. I make them all breakfast and we eat and chat. " So my brother just ditched you on your anniversary!" Rydel says in disbelief. "That's so wrong!" Alexa says. The rest of the girls nod. I shrug. "Well I'm planning to let him have it when he comes home!" I snap. They all scream yeah and you go girl. Thirty seconds later Rydel gets a call. She answers it. "Hello?" She perks. "What do you want Riker?" she says clearly annoyed. Her face lights up and she nods forgetting that he can't see her. "Okay bye Riker!" She smiles. "What was that about?" I ask. "Oh what oh haha nothing! Just Riker being Riker!" She says. I nod slowly. "So being the forgetful jerk he is being right now!" I mumble. She half way smiles. She whispers to Grace and Alexa and Alexa whispers to Savannah. They all smile and nod.
Six hours later I am about to curl up in bed and cry. The girls left and so now I'm all alone. Then I hear the door close. I roll my eyes and run downstairs. "RIKER ANTHONY L... Hey Rocky!" I cover. He gives me a weird look. He hands me a box a rather big one and tells me to open it.
Inside there is a beautiful dress and matching shoes. "Rocky... I..." I start but he interrupts me. "It's not from me just go put it on and do something with that hair lady we are going to meet someone geez you don't want them seeing you like that!" I laugh and go get dressed upstairs.
When I'm dressed and have done my hair and makeup I walk downstairs. "Finally! You take longer than Rydel!" Rocky complains. "Come on get in the car!" He says smiling at me. I do as he says and we drive off.
Ten minutes later we are at some park thing. There is nobody there. Rocky blindfolds me and walks me down a path. He stops and undoes the blindfold. I was not ready for what was in front of me!
Riker stands there under a big string of lights and there is a white sheet hanging between two trees. I gasp.
"Riker! This is amazing! You didn't forget!" I run up to him and hug him! He shakes his head. "I could never forget our anniversary!" He picks me up and kisses me gently.
He walks over with me still in his arms and gently puts me down on a hammock. Hs starts playing a movie and he lays down beside me. "Do u like the dress?" He ask. I nod and kiss him. He smiles and we watch the movie until we fall asleep.

Hey Vikki here it is I'm sorry it took so long but I am really proud of this imagine so I really hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!

- <3 M

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