Imagine for CeCe

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I walk up to Riker's house and knock on the door. As I wait I hum a little song I made up a long time ago. He opens the door and let's me in. I throw my stuff on the couch and plop down next to it. "I have NEVER been so tired in my entire life!" I say. He giggles and plops down next to me. "Look I called you cause I need your help. Not for you to plop on my couch and do nothing." He laughs. I smile and ask what he needs me to do.
   "Well I know you have always been a little shy about your voice ,but I REALLY need your help CeCe." I start to shake my head but he places his hands on my face so that I could not move them. He nods my head for me and smiles. "See CeCe! I knew you would agree!" He grabs me and we go into the music room. He pulls out a stool and sits me down on it.
"What are you doing Riker. You know I don't dong in front of people!" I scream at him. "Ah but you see, you will be singing in front of a video camera. Not people so technically, there is nothing to be scared of!" He laughs. He sets up the camera and hands me a guitar while he grabs his blue bass.
I try to get myself out of the situation ,but he is determined to get me to sing. "Fine. What are we singing?" I ask in surrender. "Shut up and dance." He says. I think to myself. 'At least it is a song that I can tolerate.' He starts the camera and we sing. I have to say having him by my side singing with me made me feel SO much better!
When we were done we sit on the couch and he puts on some movie I have never heard of and we cuddle up. Before the trailers are even over I am asleep on his shoulder.

Hope you liked it CeCe! I'm sorry for taking so long but I have been so so so busy! This was put together kind of at the last minute so if it is terrible I'm sorry! Anyways thanks for requesting!

                - <3 M

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