:1: Returning

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(Dedicated to an awesome girl who helped me with this and the idea for it! jessicx_nicolee)

Marley walked the school halls feeling nostalgic as she did. Her eyes wondered about the lockers easily finding the one that once belonged to her. She smiles faintly dazed by memories of the days she belonged here. The people she'd met friends she had made even the heart breaks that she had felt. All of this helped shape her into who she was now. Granted she was forced to switch schools until Sue was no longer principal, but she still managed to be in a school with a Glee club. It wasn't anything special compared to this one tho and she was beyond excited to be back for her senior year.

She walks into the Glee room with a soft smile knowing how different things were now without Will training the Glee club it definitely Wouldn't be the same, but at least she'd have familiar faces around her. Like Sam who'd taken over for Will when he became principal of the school and asked her along with many others to return and give this new version of Glee club another chance.

She looks around the room with a soft smile thinking back to the days spent in here the songs she had sung. She moves to the piano and touches it softly her mind swirling with endless memories ones that sparked several emotions at once. She was to lost in her own thoughts to notice she wasn't alone anymore.

Santana stood in the doorway surprised but happy to see that Marley had returned. She pushed Will to get the students back mostly because she'd been worried about Marley knowing what she had gone through here.
Santana steps into the room and walks over to Marley touching her shoulder gently.

Marley turns to her in surprise then smiles happily when she sees who it is. The two girls share a tight hug and Marley was near tears seeing the girl who'd helped her through so much. The person she'd relied on during her time in these walls. "Santana!" She speaks her name happily and squeezes her before letting go.

"Glad to see you accepted the invite to come back" Santana says with a smile looking Marley over for any signs of her past issues. "It's amazing to be back. There's so many memories in this room it's like the second I walked in they all hit me" Marley admits with a soft smile.

"You're doing good tho?" Santana asks looking over Marley's face to make sure she tells the truth. Marley nods gently "I've been alright. I went and got some help started seeing a therapist. It's been a battle getting back to being okay with myself, but I'm still getting there" Marley explains while leaning on the piano.

"Well, Now that you're back I can help you again. I have to admit I missed having you around it was like having a little sister. Looking over you and protecting you" Santana says softly. Marley smiles "I missed you too Santana. I never knew what it was like to have a sister but that's how I felt with you around and I wondered how you had been. After you and Britt got married I wasn't sure if I would see you again" Marley replies and Santana laughs softly.

"We tried to find you to invite you to the wedding, But Sue kept you well hidden from us. Once Will took over the school he managed to find where everyone had been transferred and I pretty much demanded he invite you to come back" She Explains and Marley giggled gently.

"I'm not surprise. Sue was harsh when she took over. I'm glad everything is semi normal again" Marley says with a soft nod. The two girls sit in the new more comfortable chairs to catch up on how there lives had been the last two years.

(Something you'll find out in later chapters 😜)

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