Kitty's new home

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I sighed locking the door to the cat room and walking to the front desk. I smiled apon seeing the framiliar lady behind the desk, she was messing with her nail before seeing me and returning my smile. "You haven't changed your mind yet?" she asked and i quickly shook my head "No i glad i get to take Suga home but not so much over the circumstances" i said giving her a sad smile "Suga?" she questioned and i nodded apon realizing i never told her that a nhame they cuddly black cat "oh yea i forgot to tell you i named him Suga" i said to the lady and she nodded "Oh... you like him so much you named him?" she asked and i nodded immediatly.

"Ah.. well here you go i got you all things you need including a litter box, litter, food, toys, medicine for his wounds, cat pain killers and a few other things" she said handing me multiple bags and i couldn't help but to see the bandages that littered her hands and arms "Did you go to a store or something while i was working" i asked her and she nodded "Lets go get the brat" she said getting up and signing for me to follow her.

Once we got to the room i unlocked the door since earlier she gave me the key just incase i wanted to check on him. She walked in and headed straight to his cage "Hi my little Suga bear" i said softly and he got up limping to the door of the cage and started meowing. She opened the cage and reached for him but he immediatly backed away hissing at her "Little brat" she mumbled trying to get him but he wouldnt let her "Let me" i said to her and she pulled her hand away and stepped back letting me step infront of the door.

"Hi Suga bear" i said gently and reached in petting his head causing him to purr and rub his head into my hand. I slowly picked up the cat and he happily let me, she held up a small carrier and i put him in it taking the carrier from her. We walked back to the front desk seeing my mom "Is he cute" she asked smiling and looking in the carrier door "He is adorable" i said smiling back at my mother. "Will you grab those bags" i asked my mom moving my head to look at the bags i had put down to go get Suga. She nodded picking up the bags for me, we waved goodbye to the women and got in the car.

"Lucky you, your dad isnt home right now he went to the bar so if we hurry we can get all the stuff to your room and remember keep your door locked all the time. Ill give you the key for your bedroom door so you can keep it locked when your not in there" she said taking a left turn "Okay" i said putting my finger through the bars letting he sniff my finger. "Whats his name" she asked me "I named him Suga" i said wiggling my finger when he rubbed his head against it, she nodded.

We pulled into the driveway and rushed to bring allthe things to my room before my mom left and quickly came back handing me a key "this is your bedroom key keep it with you always" she said before walking out leaving me alone with the black cat who was still in his the carrier. I picked the carrier up and sat it down on my bed opening it "Here.. come on when you feel comfortable" i told the scared looking cat. I unpacked the bags putting the litter in the litter box and put it in the closet with the door open. I sat some toys and the floor and put the medicine and shampoo in the bathroom.

I looked over at the cat seeing he was now sitting at the edge of the bed looking at me "You need a bath to get that blood off you" i said picking up the cat and locking my door before bringing him to the bathroom that was connected to my room. I sat him down on the floor telling him to stay as a went and got a towel. I ran some warm water in the bath tub and sat the cat in it but of course he tried getting out "Bro the faster you correperate the faster we can treat your wounds and get ready for bed and then we can cuddle" i said petting the cat he meowed as if he understood and sat down.

I bathed the adorable cat and then wrapped him in a towel drying him off, once he was dry i treated his wounds and put some medicine in a syringe putting in his mouth a squeezing the medicine onto his tongue which he gladly licked his lips for "Good boy" i cooed at him petting his head. I carried him to the bed and smiled "Im going to go shower and get ready for bed and when i come back we will cuddle" i said to the him kissing his head before getting some clothes and heading to the bathroom to shower.

After my shower i brushed my teeth and headed back to my room seeing Suga on my bed staring at me "Hi cutie" i cooed going to him. I laid down and pulled the cat to me cuddling him, i slowly fell asleep to the sound of the cat purring as i pet him.

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