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Edit: Hi guys!!! I really appreciate it for all the love, please vote!!! And go read some of my other stories!! I really appreciate yall!!

I sighed slipping on my black hoodie rolling up the sleeves since it was fairly hot in my room. I pulled out my phone checking the time 7:43am, school starts at 8. I left my room going down stairs seeing my dad sitting at the end of the table reading the newspaper. My mom turned around looking at me smiling from her spot by the sink where she was doing the dishes. "Ah finally your ready" she said drying her hands off "Get your bag your going to be late" She said and i nodded going to my room and getting my bag and going back to the kitchen seeing my mom by the door putting her shoes on.

She smiled at me again before walking out the door with me following her "Hey mom" i said and my mom looked at me "Yea sweetie" she answered "I was thinking... c-could i volunteer at the animal shelter" i asked getting in the passenger seat of my moms car "Hmm how are your grades" she asked starting the car "All A's" i said smiling at her. She gripped the wheel sighing "That didnt answer my question" she said flicking the botton to make the windsheild wippers start since it was raining "Sorry... i meant A plus's" i said glancing to her "After school when i pick you up ill go in and ask about your grades... if they are all really high A's ill bring you to the shelter and fill out the paper work.. but everyday after that you have to find a ride to the shelter and ill pick you up fom there" she finished, pulling into the school parking lot "YAY Thank you so much mom" i said getting out of the car "Have a good day at school" she said "You too" i said shutting the door but then stopping.

Did i just say you too to her saying have a good day at school... she aint going to school... I thought to myself before shaking the thought out of my head walking into school. I headed to my first hour taking out my phone seeing the time was 7:55. I walked to my class seeing Ara-hee talking to Hoseok, I walked up to my two best friends smiling at them "Guys!!" i called and they smiled before hugging me "I finally asked my mom if i can volunteer at the animal shelter" i said looking at them "Im so happy for you" Hoseok said grinning at me "Your always happy though" Ara-hee said playfully rolling her eyes.

We walked into our first hours as happy as can be. Soon enough school was over and i met my mom at the front office. She had a short conversation with the lady at the desk before walking out, me following her. "So..." i said looking to her "So... lets get you to that shelter" she said smiling at me "Yes!!" i said a little to loud. She laughed softly and i glanced at the clock in the car 2:31pm school ended at 2.

Soon enough we arrived at the shelter and we walked in, we walked up to the desk "Hi my daughter would like to volunteer" my mom said to the middle aged women "How old is she" she asked "16" my mom responded "Name" the women asked glancing at me "Lee Minji" my mom responded. The women started typing into the computer and then handed my mom some paper work "You can fill these out right now here or at home and give them back as soon as possible" the women said pointing to a few chairs. My mom nodded heading to a chair and i followed sitting next to her, my mom started filling out the paper work "Are you pregnant" she asked not looking away from the paper "W-what" i asked "Its asking if your pregnant" she said looking to me this time "No of course not" i said looking down "You dont seem so sure" she said "I am sure... im a virgin mom" i said rolling my eyes. She nodded writing something down "Are you allergic to any animals" she asked and i responded with a simple 'no'.

Soon she was done and went up to the desk with me following her, The women looked through the paper work for a minute before looking at me "Alright... Your expected here every day after school until 8pm then you can go home and do your home work and that sort of thing, you start right now" I nodded and my mom left saying she will be back here at 8 to get me. "Alright come on" the women said walking through a door so i followed. As soon as i entered the room i was ingulfed with an awful smell and dogs barking and cats meowing. "You like cats" she asked and i nodded saying a short "Yes ma'am" She responded with a "Good" unlocking and walking through another door as a i followed, on the other side of the door was cat heaven.

There at least 5 scratching posts with a bunch of cat houses and towers. "Everyday your incharge of making sure they are all drinking and eating, you also need to make sure they seem healthy, if any of them seem like they are sick take them with you and come tell me. You also need to give the sick ones their vitamins and you need to mark the chart if any are pregnant so we can put them on birth watch" she said handing me the key she used for the door "There is this mean black cat... he is the only black one but watch out for him" she said and i nodded as she walked out.

"So... this is an every day thing now i guess" i mumbled to myself looking around the room seeing that all the food bowls were empty and the water bowls were completly dry. I saw a door that said wash room so i walked to it opening the door seeing a sink a VERY tiny tub lifted off the ground and a cabinet with a mirror on it. I turned back around getting all the water bowls and filling them up with the water from the sink. As i was putting all of the bowls in their places a felt something fuzzy being rubbed against my leg, i looked down seeing a black ball of fur rubbing its head against my leg. I smiled at the creature and then remembered what the lady said "There is this mean black cat... he is the only black one but watch out for him"

He doesnt seem mean i thought to myself smiling at the cat, i leaned down petting behind his ear causing him to purr "Well you arent mean at all your just as sweet as sugar" i said picking up the adorable feline holding him to my chest. He purred quite loudly reaching up and rubbing his face against my cheek "Aww your so adorable" i cooed at his cuteness.

A bit later i was looking at the chart and i saw that the precious black cat didnt have a name ill have to give him one i thought putting down the chart. The door opened and the women poked her head in "Your moms here" she said and left. I made my way to the black bean sleeping on the top of a tower kissing the top of his head then leaving. ____
Guys I'm telling you I respond to most comments cause I have no life so feel free to comment about anythimg and also about stuff that could help me become a better writer cause I know I suck👁️👄👁️

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