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I felt arms wraooing around me and i burried my face in his chest starting to sob louder, he picked my up and carried me to my bed and sat me down on his lap "What happened today... every other time i saw you at the shelter after school you seemed so happy... so what was different today" he asked wiping my tears and pushing my hair out of my face.

"E-everyt-thing" i stuttered through sobs "Tell me what happened" he said i nodded catching my breath a bit to talk without sobbing. "T-the other day i was looking at this boy... he... something about him intrested me and he caught me staring so he started talking about me to his friends and he is popular and... the popular girls over heard them and started spreading rumors about me... they said that i slept with Hoseok... and.. i wrote slut on some girls locker and.... Ara-hee's boyfriend tricked me.. he kissed me and before i could push him away some other girl took the picture and... it looked like i wanted to kiss him and she sent it to the whole school so Ara-hee smacked me and then someother girl poured food all over me and i sat in the bathroom crying for the rest of the day"

I said sobbing again at the end, he pulled me back into him and rubbed my back and played with my hair trying to calm me down. "It gonna be okay" he said softly as i caught my breath. He laid down pulling me against him "I missed you" he said softly pecking my cheek "I missed you too Yoongs" i said snuggling into his chest.

I woke up not knowing i fell asleep, it was now dark outside. I sighed getting up and going to the bathroom taking a shower, i did my homework before going back to bed falling asleep quickly with only one thought school tomorrow is going to be hell but as long as i come home to Yoongi ill be fine

I woke up again to the sound of my dad yelling through the door again but this time there was light kissing being peppered all over my face. I giggled softly "Im up" i yelled at my dad and i heard footsteps leaving from my door. I stood up and got ready for school, i went to the kitchen getting some food before bringing it to Yoongi. I gave him the food, grabbed my bag and left after making sure Yoongi locked the door.

My mom drove me to school like always and i had so much anxiety over what was going to happen at school. I walked in and of course everyones eyes were on me, i was looking down not paying attention and i accidently bumped into someone and i fell dropping all of my things. "Oh shit im sorry" I looked up seeing Jimin "Language" A broad shouldered man said holding hands with a man with dimples.

Jimin helped me up and we picked up my things "Why are you helping me" i said looking down again "Because it was my fault i wasnt paying attention" he said and i smiled "B-but... dont you think i wrote that on your girlfriends locker" i asked and he shrugged "Everyone deserve a-" he cut him self off sniffling the air and then his jaw dropped.

He grabbed my shoulders slamming me against the lockers causing me to flinch. "Jimin what the hell" The one with broad shoulders said "Shut up Jin" Jimin replied leaning in closly moving his mouth by my ear "Where is he" he asked and i was even more confused "Who" i asked and he sighed causing me to get chills because he was breathing on my neck. "Dont play with me im talking about the hybrid" he said and my eyes widened "H-how" i stuttered and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a janitors closet.

"Okay seriously what the fuck" i said and he pulled of his hat and two ears sprung up. My jaw dropped and a tail snaked its way out from under his shirt "A-are you a dog" i asked and he nodded smiling and his eyes disappered "Who takes care of you" i asked him "Namjoon and Jin i live with them" he said and smiled at the boy before scratching behind his ear causing his tail to sway back and fourth.

My phone went off and i took it out of my pocket answering it "Hello" i said and i heard my dad's voice respond "Ill be at the bar i wont be home till late" he said then hung up. "Like clock work" i said looking up at "Come over after school my mom uses her break to drive me home everyday... give me your phone and ill give you my phone number so i can text you the address..." i said and he handed me his phone.

I put my number in it and gave it back "Bring it Namjoon and Jin i want you guys to met Yoongi" i said walking out and he followed. As we came out i was met with a smack to the side of my face "How dare you go in the janitors closet with my boyfriend you slut" the girl yelled, i recognized her as the girl that said i wrote slut on her locker "Fuck off Rose" Jimin said standing beside me.

"Excuse me" she said folding her arms over her chest "She wrote slut on my locker" she added "No she didnt im not stupid i heard you talking to Jennie, lisa and Jisoo you guys are framing her right? You know because Jennie said she slept wiht her own bestfriend and then you said she wrote slut on your locker and then Lisa had her best friends boyfriend kiss her and before she could push him away she took a picture and sent it to the whole school causing her to lose her bestfriends and then Jisoo spilled food on her"

Jimin was smirking and Rose was shocked that he knew all of that "How... how did you-" she said but Jimin interupted her "That not any of your buisness Rose im breaking up with you" He said and grabbed my wrist pulling me with him with Namjoon and Jin following. "We are going to her house after school" Jimin said and Namjoon stopped him from walking.

"Jimin you could..." he stopped looking over at me and then whispered something in Jimin's ear, "She already knows" Jimin said and Namjoon and Jin's eyes widened "What were you thinking" Jin whisper yelled "She had one too thats why we are going" Jimin said and Namjoon looked at me. "You have a hybrid?" Namjoon whispered and i nodded.

At lunch at was sitting with them and those four mean girls walked up "So you really are a slut huh" Jennie said folding her arms over her chest "Even stole my boyfriend" Rose added and i just looked down "We will ruin you... we just need to get Ara-hee and Hoseok in on it so we have all your secrets" Lisa said and they walked off going to sit with Hoseok and Ara-hee.

I sighed softly "Soo... if they know your secrets doesnt that mean they could expose you having a hybrid" Jin asked and i nodded. After school my mom picked my up like always and then dropped me off at home, i texted Jimin my address and went to my room seeing a sleeping Yoongi. "Kitten" i called and his eyes fluttered open and he immediatly got up walking to me and hugging me "was you day better then it was yesterday" he asked and i nodded.

"Kitten there are some people coming over to met you..." i said and he tilted his head "I thought the whole school hated you" he said and i shrugged "One of them is the boyfriend to the girl who said i wrote slut on her locker" i said and his eyes widened but then he smirked "Great i get to met him" he said and then there was a knock on the door.

"Ill get ready you go get them" he said and i nodded, i went to the living room opening the door seeing four faces

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