Human kitty

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I yawned waking up to the sound of my dad banging on my door telling me to unlock it "Fuck off" i called back "YOU HAVE SCHOOL BTCH" he yelled and i rolled my eyes "Its saturday" i called back and i heard a small 'oh' and then footsteps walking away from my room. I cuddled back into the cat realizing the cat wasnt there, i sat up looking around only to see the cat sitting in the corner staring at me "Dude thats creepy come cuddle" i called and he slowly walked over to the bed jumping on it and cuddling into me. I slowly fell asleep once again.

I slowly woke up, getting up without disturbing Suga and leaving my room locking the door behind me. I made my way to the kitchen grabbing an apple when i saw a note sitting on the counter

Your mom's at work and is going to stay late she will get of at 1am so i decided to go to the bar dont be a slut ill be back after your mom

I sighed glancing at the clock on the microwave "It barely passed 10am and he already went to the bar" i mumbled rolling my eyes. I walked back to my room unlocking and opening the door seeing... what the actual fuck. I screamed upon seeing a boy in my bed "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" i screamed and he immediatly opened his eyes and they soon widened when he looked at his body. I now seen that he had furry ears on the top of his head and a fluffy tail sticking out from under the blanket "WHAT ARE A FUCKING FURRY" i screamed at him and his cheeks run red "I-im your suga" he said fiddling with his fingers "Bullshit where's my cat" i said glancing around the room "I-im suga" he repeated himself glancing at me then back down at his lap.

I examined the boy realizing that he was really handsome and he cuts all over his body "O-okay" i stuttering looking around in thought "S-so if you my suga.... wait how" i asked looking up at him "I get if you want me to leave" he said looking up at me "but... i became a hybrid at 14.. i dont really have much information about it but i know im half cat and half human please dont make me leave" He said looking back down as a tear escaped his eyes "Hey kitten its gonna be okay" i stepped forward "Stop" he quickly said and i tilted my head "i.. im not wearing any clothes" he said his face turning a crimson red.

"Right... ill call Hoseok and Ara-hee..." i said walking out of the room and calling Hoseok "Hello" he said happily "Hey... can you get Ara-hee and come over... and bring some clothes... i umm i Have this guy-you know what ill explain when you get here.. please hurry ill text you the address" i said and i could basically hear his confusion "Aww you gotta boyfriend" he said and i could hear his smirk "Just... shut up and hurry" i said hanging up.

I walked back to my room opening the door to see him laying down with his eyes cold "Hey kitten..." i called and his opened quickly and he hummed in response "My friends are on their way and im having one of them bring some of his clothes" i said and he nodded "I wish i had clothes... i wanna cuddle" he said pouting and i giggled "Your so cute but i havent seen a dick before and i dont plan on seeing on any time soon" i said and he blushed again covering his face with the blanket, i giggled at his cuteness again.

I sat there talking to the cute boy until i heard a knock on the door, i sighed standing up "Ill be back soon to give you the clothes" I said walking out and to the living room answering the door seeing Ara-hee and Hoseok who was wearing a backpack. I stepped out of the way as the walked in "Go to the couch" i said and they did, "What i am about to tell is going to sound really weird but you have to open minded" i said and they nodded. "So... you know how i've been volunteering at that animal shelter right" i asked and they nodded "Well i took i liking to this cat... and... and yesterday he got in a fight with some other cats and got injured so i was to bring him home until he heals" i said and Hoseok jumped up "YOU HAVE A KITTY" he yelled happily "Sit down and listen" i said sighing and he nodded sitting down.

"I brought him home and took care of him last night... when i woke up a bit after 10... i went to get an apple and when i went back to my room... my cat turned into a human" i said looking at my lap fiddling with my fingers "Yea right... if there is a guy he is probably some phyco lying to you" Ara-hee said folding her arms over her chest "He has cat ears and a tail do you wanna see" i asked and she stood up nodding "Hoseok give me the clothes he is currently naked" i said and Hoseok gave me his backpack. I took it and headed to me room, once i opened the door i saw the cutie kitty sleeping. I went to the bed crouching next to it petting his ear "Wake up kitten" i said softly and his eyes slowly fluttered open "I got you some clothes put them on my friends want to met you" i said and he nodded.

I sat the bag on the bed walking out giving him some privacy, i headed back to the living room sitting on the couch "Where's your imaganary friend" she asked smirking "He isnt imaganary.. and he's putting on the clothes" i said and she nodded. Soon i heard my bedroom door open and then i heard whines and whimpers, "Kitten whats wrong are you okay" i called standing up and going to the hallway seeing him by my door. As he saw me he ran to me hugging me and i smiled at the action, pulling away i grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers and dragging him to the living room. Once we were there Hoseok and Ara-hee looked shocked "He is real.." hoseok muttered softly.

I pulled him with me and we sat on the couch next to eachother "How.." Ara-hee said and Suga shrugged "Whats your name" Hoseok asked and before i could answer Suga did "Yoongi... my name is Yoongi" he said looking to me and i smiled. "You going to explain how the hell your a half thing?" Ara-hee asked And he sighed "Its okay kitten" i said ruffling his hair and he looked at me nodding "So... do you guys want me entire life story" he asked and they nodded while i scratched his ear. He sighed and began

"When i was twelve my parents were driving to my basketball game but... we uhh... got in an accident and they both died.... my older sister who was seventeen at the time became very depressed and she would... cut... infront of me and i had no clue what to do and she just couldnt take it anymore so she.. she killed herself when i was thirteen and i found her body" he started to cry "i went to stay with my grandmother and when i was fourteen i became a hybrid and my grandmother kicked me out so i stayed in my cat form on the streets... this women found me and brought me in... she took care of me until i got a little to comfortable and i accidently changed into my human form and she freaked out and called the animal shelter and they took me in. Im not sure what happened to the lady and my grandmother but ive been in the shelter for three years now" He was sobbing at this point.

I pulled him into a hug and patted his back whispering sweet nothings to him as he calmed down "Well shit" Hoseok said sadly and Ara-hee elbowed him.
"Ill protect you kitten" i said softy kissing the top of his head, "Thank you" He said into my chest. "You guys are adorable" Hoseok said happily "Shut up" Yoongi said bluntly and Hoseok giggled. "Well... this is weird" Ara-hee said looking at her lap fiddling with ther fingers, i smiled at her when Hosoek jumped up "He should go to school with us" He said happily "No" i said bluntly "Why not" he whinned sitting back down "First he has no clothes and second he just got back into his human form after three years he needs to get used to it" I told him and he nodded.

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