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"I knew you where a fucking a slut" my dad said folding his arms over his chest "I tried convincing your dad that you werent a slut but i see now that he was right" My mom said. I pushed Yoongi off me and stood up "Im-" again i couldnt finish my sentence because i was met with a smack to the side of my face.

"YOU DONT EVER TALK BACK TO ME" my dad yelled, my dad went to smack me again but Yoongi grabbed his hand before it could make contact wiht my face again. I now realize Yoongi was wearing his beanie, "And who the hell are you" my mom asked taking a stance next to my dad "her babys dad" my dad said smirking.

"I knew you were lying when you said you were a virgin i bet you glady let all these boys fuck you" My mom said and i rolled my eyes "Hoseok to huh" my dad added. "I bet your pregnant to huh" My mom said and all the boys stood up but before any of them could say anything i was the one to speak. "Guys you should all go" i said imphazing the word all.

Namjoon nodded and grabbed Jins hand walking to the door and Taehyung did the same to Jungkook, Jimin stood next to Yoongi who didnt act likeh was leaving any time soon. "Come on" Jimin said to Yoongi and he shook his head "Im not going anywhere" Yoongi said looking my dad dead in the eyes. "Yoongi go now" i said.

He sighed and nodded slightly walking to the door along side Jimin, "Bye guys" i said and they all said bye before walking out, Yoongi being the last one out. I looked back to my dad only to be met with a punch to my stomach, i collapsed and he pulled my hair back causing me to look back up at him "Dumb slut" he said punching me in the face and then everything went black.

I woke up on the living room floor in pain, i groaned getting up seeing it was dark outside. I saw a note on the floor next to me

Get rid of the cat before i do

"Shit" i mumbled standing up, i made my way to my room after getting my phone. Once i was in my room i took out my phone quickly texting Jimin

Take care of Yoongi, bring him to school tomorrow and ill figure out a way to get him back home.

I sighed throwing my phone on my bed, i made my way into my bathroom and looked in the mirrior seeing i had a black eye on the left side, a busted swollen lip and bloodly nose i also had a cut on the bride of my nose. He must have beaten me even after i passed out i thought to my self taking off my clothes and looking in the mirror, i had a huge bruise on my stomach.

I groaned again from the pain and got in the shower, once i was out i opened the cabinet and stared at that razor blade i missed oh so much. I havent been able to do it because Yoongi was here and he would never let me out of his sight for to long. I grabbed the blade and slipped it across my skin, i stopped at ten.

I put up the blade and wrapped my arm after getting dressed, i left the bathroom and laid down on my bed crying softly cuddling the pillow Yoongi used closely taking in his scent, i already missed him so much. I cried myself to sleep like i used to do before Yoongi.

Yoongi's POV

"I dont want to just leave her" I said after shutting the door behind me "We have to" Namjoon said and Jimin pulled me into the car. "What if i never see her again" Yoongi asked no one in particular "She's gonna be okay, she's strong" Jimin said and i only nodded.

We pulled into a huge house, we got of the car and went inside, i sat on the couch seeing loudly "I cant lose her" i said to myself with that bunny hybrid sat next to me "She will be okay Hyung" he said shyly "How do you know" I asked looking to him "I dont i just.. have hope" he said before giving me a bunny smile and following Taehyung wherever he was going. Hope so fucking stupid

"SHE TEXTED" Jimin yelled and everyone ran into the living room and i sat up quickly after unknowingly laying down. "What does is say" i pressed and he shrugged "I havent looked at it yet" He said and i sighed "Well look at it" I said bluntly. "It says... Take care of Yoongi, bring him to school tomorrow and ill figure out a way to get him back home" Jimin said lookinf to me after reading it.

"Thats it? She didnt say if she was okay?" I questioned and Jimin only shook his head "She cares so much about you that she doesnt care for herself" Jimin said and i nodded. "Lets go to bed Yoongi, Jimin will show you to the spare room" Namjoon said and i sighed and i nodded slowly.

Jimin guided me to the room and left, i laid down as a few tears slipped out of my eyes I missed her so much i thought as i fell asleep

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