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Minji's POV

I woke up and let me tell you i hurt. I yawned looking over at Yoongi who was staring back at me "hey princess" he said, his voice deep and raspy. "Your voice sounds hot" i mumbled before burying my face in his neck and he chuckled wrapping an arm around my bare waist. "Your so beautiful" he whispered causing me to blush.

Soon there was a knock on the door and then a voice "Im not gonna come in because i know your naked but breakfast is ready" Jin called and then i heard footsteps walking away from the door. "We should go downstairs and get breakfast before he yells at us" Yoongi said and i nodded.

He stood up throwing on his sweat pants before going to the bathroom but as he was shutting the door he peaked back out "Wanna shower together" he asked sweetly and i nodded smiling. I tried to stand up but i collapsed, Yoongi started laughing and i only sighed "I really wrecked you didn't i" he asked already knowing the answer.

He walked over to me and picked me up gently before carrying me to the bathroom and setting me on the counter, i shivered at the contact of the cold marbel with my bare skin. "Ill run a bath" He said before turning on the water and changing it to the right tempeture.

He walked out of the bathroom before coming back with some clean clothes for the both of us "I only got you underwear and my hoodie, since you can't walk it would be hard to pants on you" He said and i nodded.

"Alright the bath is ready" he said picking me up and sitting in the bathtub gently before getting in behind me and pulling me into his chest. "I love you baby" he siad softly "I love you too Oppa" i said gently.


He picked my up out of the bath as gently as possible before placing me on the counter again. He got dressed before helping my into my clothes, he turned around crouching "Hop on" he said and i did as i was told. He walked into the kitchen sitting me on a chair before taking the seat next to me. "Can't walk either?" Jennie asked giggling and i blushed and shaked my head "Neither can he" she said motining towards Jungkook and i smilied as he blushed.

"Hey bitches" Ara-hee skipped into the kitchen "Wow someone can walk?" I asked and she smiled "Yep" she cooed "We only did one round i didn't wanan break her... yet" Jimin said walking in behind her. "We only did one and i cant walk" Jennie said "Me too" Jungkook pouted.

"Shut up Namjoon and I did 2 rounds and i can walk fine" Jin said rolling his eyes "Cause you used to it" Jennie said before looking at me "How many rounds did you guys do" she asked "Can we stop talking about this" i said before stuffing a whole pancake into my mouth "4" Yoongi said bluntly and i choked on said pancake.

"4?!" Jennie shouted and i nodded still choking. "Isn't that like... normal.." i asked and Namjoon looked at me nodding "Not for two virgens but yea its normal" Namjoon said.

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