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Ara-hee's POV

I  sighed today is the day  i thought to myself getting up Its the day im going to get the truth out of Bambam.

"How did you sleep" Hoseok asked and i shrugged "Okay" i said sitting down "Mom and dad already left for work" Hoseok said and i nodded expecting it because thats how life usaully was.

"I want to talk to Bambam about something but i want you to be there next to me when i do" I said and Hoseok nodded "What about" he asked me "You find out eventully we should go before we are late" I said standing up along with Hoseok "I guess so" Hoseok said and then we left.

"Bambam" i called as we were walking down the hallway and i spotted him at his locker "Hi babe whats up" he said smiling at me as we approched him.

"I want to talk to you. The gym?" i asked seeing if that was a good place to meet. He nodded and we walked off to the gym with Hoseok following shortly behind us.

Once we where in the gym he looked at me and now i was really able to see his black eyes and busted lip and nose Yoongi really had beat the shit out of him its what he gets for hurting Minnie.

"Have you been lying this whole time" i asked him and then glanced over to the gym doors seeing Hoseok leaned against the wall right next to the doors.

"What are you talking about babe" he asked and i sighed "Did... did you kiss Minnie and then blame it on her... are you and Lisa and Jennie and Rose and Jisoo all trying to hurt her?"

"Minnie?" he questioned and i rolled my eyes "Minji you idiot" i said rolling my eyes.

He stepped towards me putting his arms up trying to grab my waist but i stepped back putting my hand up "No... tell me" i demanded and he sighed "Its none of your buissness" he said folding his arms over her chest.

"TELL ME THE TRUTH ASSHOLE" i yelled and he scoffed "Dont you ever speak to me like that" he said and i rolled my eyes "What are you gonna do smack me like you did to Minji" I asked and he scoffed again before smacking me.

"YEA WE HAVE BEEN MESSING WITH MINJI BUT THATS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUISSNESS" he yelled and before i knew it he was on the floor with Hoseok on top of him hitting him over and over again.

"Hoseok your gonna get suspended stop"  i said quickly but that didnt stop him and soon teachers came rushing in and they pulled him off and i saw that Hoseok and a bit of blood on his face which means Bam must of got in a few good hits.

The teachers brought us three to three to the principals office where the principal was waiting behind the desk "Mr and ms. Jung please tell me what happened between you three please" he said and i sighed before telling him everything

"Alright" the prinipal sighed after i had finished telling him what happened "While we were talking i had someone call your dad and Bambam's mother. You both are suspended until the day after tomorrow and Bambam is being sit home today so his mom can care for his wounds" He said and i scoffed.

"So we are getting suspended and he is just getting sent home for his health" I asked folding my arms over my chest and he nodded "Your dad's here you both can leave have good day"

We got up and went to the hall where our dad was waiting and to ay the least he looked pissed "Car. Now." he said said and we nodded looking down before rushing to the car.

The car ride was silent, once we got home we sat on the couch looking at our laps waiting to be yelled at "I had to get called from work because you idiots got into a fight" He started and folded his hands over his chest.

"I was protecting Ara-hee father" Hoseok said softly "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" Father yelled "I WORK MY ASS OFF EVERY DAY AND YOU JUST THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA TO GET IN FIGHT" he yelled causing me to jump slightly.

He layed a smack to the side of my face shocking me "You are the one who started it to" he said and Hoseok stood up "Dont you dare touch her" Hoseok said and father only scoffed.

"What you think your so strong because you got in your first fight" Father said and Hoseok rolled his eyes "Im protecting her" he said and father punched him "Not so strong now are you" Father said smirking "I wont hit you father" Hoseok said holding his cheek.

"Good" Father said before pushing Hoseok and grabbing my wrist pulling me to stand up "And your just a little bitch" he said before punching me.

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