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Minji's POV

I sighed while sitting in the office. What was I going to do, Yoongi and I were getting suspended so they called my parents and were trying to find Yoongi's parents number but the problem is Yoongi's parents are dead and they have no number to contact.

"I'm an adult" Yoongi said and I looked over at him to see he was looking back at me. He must have seen the panic in my eyes and was trying to help, I thought "What's your point Mr. Min?" the principal said and Yoongi smirked, barely noticeable.

"I'm 18 so this is our matter. You don't have to call my parents. It's none of their business  really so how about we wrap this up so i can go yea?"  Yoongi said and I had to hold back my laughter. "I don't appreciate your tone Mr.Min" The principal said and Yoongi let out a breathy laugh "What are you going to do, suspend me? You're already doing that." Yoongi responded smugly

"Minji, your parents are here," The Secretary said and I sighed "Call Jin." I whispered and handed Yoongi my phone and he only nodded. I grabbed my stuff and left seeing my parents in the hall "Really?" My dad started "A fight?" My mom finished for him and I shrugged walking past them.

"Your grounded give me your phone" Mom said and immediately panic shot through me "I lost it" i blurted out and she scoffed "SHE SAID GIVE HER YOUR DAMN PHONE" Dad yelled causing the students that were for some reason in the hallways to look at us.

The principal office door opened and Yoongi walked out and looked at me sadly as he probably just heard, I looked further down the hall to see Jin strutting down the hall with an upset face and Namjoon looking frantic running behind him trying to calm him down. 

As Jin laid eyes on Yoongi all that was heard was "MIN YOONGI" Jin yelled causing everyone including my parents to look at them, as Jin looked at me he yelled again "LEE MINJI" I flinched upon hearing my name in such an angry tone "HOW DARE YOU BOTH GET IN A FIGHT" He continued and i left my Parents behind and walked over to him "YOU GO BACK IN THERE AND SAY SORRY TO THAT BOY RIGHT NOW" he yelled and Yoongi scoffed.

"I'm not going to apologize" Yoongi said and Jin looked offended "Excuse me" Jin said "Your not Jimin, and he smacked her and i was only protecting her so I'm not going to apologize cause i don't regret it" Yoongi said and Jin's eyes widened. "Where is this boy?" Jin asked and Yoongi shrugged "You idiot he has to be in the nurse's office" I said to Yoongi before looking back at Jin. Jin turned around and stormed into the nurses office "HOW DARE YOU LAY A HAND ON MY BABY" Jin yelled and I could basically hear Bambam flinch.

We followed him into the nurses office to see bambam sitting on a bed and he had cuts and bruises on his face and Yoongi just smirked "How does your face feel" he asked and Bambam scoffed "How does your girlfriend feel she shouldn't be too happy considering what happened at that party last year right Minji" Bambam said smirking and my eyes widened at the topic, he had forced me to never bring it up to anyone ever.

"What's he talking about" Yoongi asked softly and now i realized that i had just been staring at Bambam with wide eyes ''Nothing" i mumbled turning around towards the door "Fine then i'll tell him" Bambam started and i ran out of the room as fast as i could and then i ran out the doors with my parents following. I got in the car biting my lip to hold back tears. How could he i thought as we drove home.

Once home I went to my room and let the tears flow out, I curled up on my bed when a sudden noise came from my phone. I sat up and got it reading the message

when do you want us to bring Yoongi

It was from Jin, i didn't have time to reply when my bedroom door burst open revealing my parents "You haven't got your punishments yet for fighting" My dad said walking to me and before i knew it i was engulfed with slaps, punches, and kicks. Once they finally decided that I have had enough they left me in my own blood. I can't be like this anymore, I thought as I stood up trying to ignore the pain.

I grabbed my phone and ran, it was so hard to bear the pain but I ran all the way to Jin's house which happened to be 3 miles away. I hope Bambam didn't tell them what happened that night i thought and as i saw Jin's house i fell to my knees out of breath. I forced myself to stand up despite the stares that I was receiving, I went to Jin's door knocking on it when it was soon opened to a familiar boxy smiled boy. 

He looked me up and down and then muttered a small "Holy shit" under his breath but somehow Jin still heard him "WATCH YOUR DAMN MOUTH" He yelled walking beside Taehyung then he saw me and his eyes widened. He grabbed my wrist pulling me inside the big house, as I walked into the house everyone looked at me with anger they know i thought but as soon as they did see me their eyes softened.

"Come on," Jin said gently and pulled me into a bathroom. He grabbed a first aid kit and started treating my wounds "How did you get here" he asked and i sighed "I ran" i said bluntly "You ran" He repeated what i said and i only nodded. After at least 30 minutes of Jin treating my wounds we left the bathroom, as we went to the living room i looked straight at Yoongi, his eyes soft and laced with worry "Are you okay" he asked and nodded so he stood up "Good now we can really talk" he said standing up his eyes turning hard with a look i've never seen on him before.

"Tell me why at that party last year you begged to suck his dick and then of course you did it" 

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