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I yawned streaching "Im up" i called to my dad who was on the other side of the door who was previously yelling at me to wake up. I heard footsteps walking away from my door, i looked to my side to see a sleeping Yoongi. I pecked his cheek and his eyes slowly fluttered open and he groaned softly "Kitten i have to go to school" i said softly scratching his ears causing him to purr.

"Can i go?" he asked softly, his voice low and raspy "Im sorry but you cant kitten" i said and he nodded "Okay" he said softly. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom getting dressed quickly, i brushed my hair and my teeth before going back into my room seeing Yoongi sitting up. He stood up and pulled me into a hug "Have a good day at school... if anyone messes with you tell me okay?" he said and i nodded.

We pulled away and i walked to my door "Once im in the kitchen ill find a reason to come back and bring you breakfast" i said unlocking the door and walking out of it. I went to the kitchen eating quickly "Carp i forgot my bag" i said grabbing a couple pancakes and heading to my room. I gaceYoongi the pancakes and smiled at him "Lock the door behind me and do not leave this room until i get home okay" i said and he nodded eating the pancakes.

I went to the door with Yoongi following after me i grabbed my bag and pecked Yoongi's cheek "Bye kitten" i said opening the door "Bye Minji" he said kissing my cheek also. I left and i could hear the door being locked behind me, i went to the door seeing my mom "About time" she said and walked out the door and i followed her.

"So how's the cat" she asked once we got in the car "He's good" i said and she nodded "I would say, if your dad wasnt such a dick, That we could keep him but you know" she said and i nodded. We got to school and i got out of the car going in, i went to my locker and saw the twins i loved so much standing there "Aww Minjiii" Hoseok sang out and i smiled at him.

"Have you heard" Ara-hee asked and i tilted my head "What do you mean" i asked and she sighed "So you havent... well do you remeber the other day yo were staring at that cute shorter boy" she asked and i nodded "Well some of the popular girls heard him talking about you... and they are spreading rumors about you" she said and i sighed "What rumors" i asked and before she could say anything i heard someone else "Hey slut" I turned around t see a girl taller then be with brown hair "Who are you" i asked and she put on an obviously fake smile.

"Im Jennie" she said folding her arms over her chest "Okay?" i said and she rolled her eyes "Dont act like you dont know why im talking to you" she said and i shrugged "I dont" i said and she scoffed "You slept with my boyfriend" she said and this time i scoffed. Hoseok stepped infront of me "Jennie what are you talking about you know i would never" He said and she scoffed again but then smirked "Okay Oppa" she called looking my up and down.

I rolled my eyes walking around them and away from them i didnt know Hoseok had a girlfriend i thought and shrugged. As i was walking down the hallway everyone was looking at me and giving me diry looks, I sighed walking into class. Soon Hoseok and Ara-hee came in "Are the rumors fake" Ara-hee asked sitting next to me "What" i asked looking at her and she just shook her head looking down "Oh yea i forgot to tell you i have a boyfriend" she said looking back to me.

"Who" i asked and she smiled, he cheeks turning a light pink, "Bambam" she said looking down shyly. Bambam was apart of the foorball team and he wasnt that bad of a person i guess "Im happy for you" i said smiling and she nodded. Soon the class started but not even fifteen minutes into class a voice came over the intercome "Lee Minji please go to the principals office. Lee Minji to the principals office" i sighed standing up and leaving class.

Once i got to the principals office i saw a pretty petite looking girl crying "did you do this" The principal said pointing to a few pictures on his desk. I looked at the pictures and saw it was of a locker that had slut written across it in sharpie "No why would i do that i dont even know this girl" i said looking to the principal "Slut shamming is horrible thing even if some one were to sleep with multiple people it there body" the principal said

"You think i dont know that?!" i said slightly raising my voice "Believe me i know and i would never slut shame someone" i said and he sighed getting up and walking out. As soon as he left the girl stopped crying "What the hell" i said and she laughed "You think you can take my Jimin... no he is going to think your a slut.. the whole school will even your bestfriends" she said and i rolled my eyes.

The pricipal came back in with that short boy from the other day walking in behind him "Jimin" the girl called fake crying again and she got up hugging him "Shhh baby its gonna be okay" he said to the girl softly "Why would you do this" He said looking at me "I-i didnt" i replied softly. "Minji you have detention now leave" he said and i nodded walking out.

I got back to class and sat down in my normal spot "They are saying i wrote slut in sharpie on Jimins girlfriends locker" i said dropping my head. "That sucks" Hoseok said softly "Yep" i said and the bell rang. I grabbed my things and went to my locker, i found a note in my locker. I unfolded it and read it

Meet my in the gym -bambam

I scrunched my eyebrows and shrugged shutting my locker and going to the gym, once i got there i saw Bambam just standing there "Finally i thought you wearnt gonna come" He said and i shrugged "So what do you need" i asked and he looked over to the corner of the gym and i looked there also confused as to why he was looking there but i saw a shadow. Before i could process anything Bambam's lips where on mine.

I was shocked to say the least but as soon as i realized what was happening i pushed him away "WHAT THE FUCK BAMBAM" i yelled at him and the shadow came out from behind the bleachers revealing a blond girl with bangs "I got it" she said and walked towards us "Good" bambam said "What" i said and the girl showed me her phone and i saw it "YOU TOOK A PICTURE" i yelled as i looked at the picture of me and Bambam kissing before i pushed him.

She walked out and Bambam followed me, i collapsed on the floor "Im gonna lose them" i said to myself Bambam is Ara-hee's boyfriend and if she sees thst she will hate me and so will Hoseok. I stood up walking to the lunch room taking my normal seat with Ara-hee and Hoseok "Where were you" Hoseok asked i shrugged saying a soft 'no where'

Everyone's phones started to go off including mine, i pulled out my phone and that when i saw it... that bitch sent it to the whole school. "WHAT THE HELL MINJI" Ara-hee said standing up and a few tears slipped out of my eyes, i looked up at her and she smacked "HOW COULD YOU" she said storming off "why would you do that" Hoseok said getting up and following his sister.

I sat there crying softly and then somethign ingulfed me, i looked up seeing another girl shorter then the others with an empty but dirty food tray in her hand "oops im sorry" she said smiling fakly. I stood up running to the bathroom and going into a stall crying. This is the worst day of my life......

Soon the school day was over and i was grateful the women at the shelter told me not to come in until thursday. I sighed getting in m moms car as she drove hpme. I walked into the house wiht no emotions showing i went in my room and saw Yoongi setting on my bed smiling happily but his smile dropped quickly when he saw my expression "Hey whats wrong" he asked standing up and i collapsed against the door crying softly.

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