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I arched my brows at the other face as i stepped out of the way "Come in" i said and they came in and went to the couch sitting down. "So... who is the person ive never seen before" i asked and Jimin smiled, his eyes disappering "This is my bestfriend Taehyung" Jimin said happily and i just nodded. "So.. where is your hybrid" Namjoon asked and i shrugged "Kitten!" i called "H-Help" Yoongi whimpered.

I got up from the couch, which i had sat on not that long ago, and walked to my room knocking once before going in. "Whats wrong kitten" i said and he pouted "My belt wont buckle" he said softly and i smiled at him. He was wearing black skinny jeans and the ouija board shirt, i walked to him and helped him buckle his belt, both of us blushing madly.

He tucked his tail in his shirt and hid his hair in a beanie "Why are you hiding them" i asked and he smiled sadly "Because i dont want them to really know im a hybrid yet because what if that girls boyfriend tells her and she tells everyone" he said and i smiled grabbing his hand and intertwing our fingers.

I guided him out of the room and we walked into the living room still hand in hand, "Hey..." Yoongi said softly looking down "Hi" Jimin said standing up smiling with his eyes disappering. "Which one of you has a girlfriend that said Minji wrote slut on her locker" Yoongi said looking up "Y-yoongi" i said but he didnt even look at me.

"Oh... that would be me" Jimin said looking down shyly, "Great... there's not much of height diffrences so i can beat you" Yoongi said stepping forward and letting go of my hand. Jimin stepped back gulping loudly "What are you scared" Yoongi said smirking, Jimin just stood there looking at Yoongi. "Yoongi stop" I said and Yoongi shoved Jimin down to were he was now sitting on the couch.

I stepped infront Yoongi trying to get him to stop "Yoongi i said stop" i said and Yoongi looked at me like i was crazy "Why are you standing up for him" Yoongi said rasing his voice slightly causing me to jump a bit. "ARE YOU GONNA ANSWER ME OR JUST STAND THERE" he yelled and raised his arm pointing and i flinched looking away from him.

I could feel his eyes soften and he sighed pulling me into a hug "Im sorry" he said softly. He pushed me away a bit so we could see eachothers faces "You dont have to flinch i would never hit you" he said softly and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "But... why are you protecting him" he asked this time his voice very gentle "Because he stood up for me.... he broke up with her because she was being a bitch to me" i said looking down.

"How the hell do we even know if he really is a hybrid you could just be lying" Taehyung said standing up, i looked to him and sighed "He is..." i said and Taehyung rolled his eyes "How am i supposed to believe you? Im not gonna tell you why i came until i know for sure" Taehyung said and i tilted my head to the side "I thought you were just tagging along" i said and he shook his head.

"Yoongi take off your beanie" i said and he shook his head plopping onto the couch "Why not" i whined and he looked up at me before smirking. "Hmm im older you should respect me, ask me nicely" he said folding his arms over his chest cockily. "You really wanna do this again" i said sitting down next to him and he just nodded.

"But... they are here and ill be embarresed" i said and he shrugged really not caring "Oppa~ Please take it off~" i whined out and his cheeks immediatly turned a deep red color "Umm we are still talking about the beanie right?" Jin asked giggling and i nodded my face turning pink. Yoongi ripped the beanie off looking down at his lap blushing deeply.

His ears popped up and reached over petting them gently causing him to purr, "Good Kitten" i cooed and his tail started swaying under his shirt "Let out your tail" i said and his tail slowly came out from the shirt. I looked over at them to see the three humans shocked and the hybrid smiling. "What have you never seen a hybrid before" i asked them sarcasticaly.

"Jimin let him out" Taehyung said and i arched a brow, Jimin put his backpack in his lap and unzipped and a big ball of fluff hopped out of it. "Aww such a cute bunny" i cooed "Why do i smell another hybrid" Yoongi said looking around "You just-aish pabo" i said and looked at jimin "Show him Jiminie" i said and Jimin took of his hat and let his tail snake out from under his shirt.

"Oh... i-i didnt know other hybrids existed" Yoongi said looking at Jimin, I looked back to Jimin to see Taehyung and the rabbit disappered "Were did Taehyung and the bunny go" i asked and then i heard a door. I looked toward the bathroom to see Taehyung and another boy coming out of the bathroom hand in hand.

The other boy had ears and Teeth that looked like that of a bunny.

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