I. Back Together Again

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Chapter One

"It's gonna be so weird," Stevie comments as he lounges across my bed, his head hanging off the edge, looking at me upside down. "Zy's about to be king. King! So weird."

I place a couple of shirts and some socks in my suit case as I give my brother a confused expression. "Why is that weird? He's a prince, princes become kings. That's how that works."

"Well duh, I only mean it will be weird because our cousin is about to be one of the most powerful and influential leaders in the world."

I feel myself cringe. "Don't call him our cousin."

Stevie raises his eyebrows up and down, a smile curving onto his lips. "Why? We call his parents aunt and uncle, and he does the same for Mom and Dad. You just don't want me to call him that because you loooove him."

"I do not."

"You're like Leia and Han. You two totally dig each other and you just won't admit it."

"Don't you have anything better to do? Like packing? We're going to be in Wakanda for most of the summer."

Stevie sits himself up and shrugs. "Packing is boring, I'll do it later. You're so wound tight Livy, relax. Schools out and we're going back home, now is the time to take that stick from out of your ass."

"I'm not wound tight, I just have my priorities and right now they're packing. And I do know how to have fun, I'm very fun."

Stevie eyes my desk, which stacked to the edge with medical textbooks and equipment. He shakes his head. "Please tell me you aren't taking those monstrosities with you."

"If Jo heard you call books a monstrosity she'd hit you with one of her force fields."

"I'm not calling books in general monstrosities, I'm calling your medical books monstrosities. Do I have to say it again? It's summer! Stop doing school work."

Stevie just graduated high school and just turned eighteen. I thought that maybe becoming an adult and getting out into the real world would force him to grow up, but it hasn't. Not all of us seem to have the luxury he does of not giving a shit. I'm twenty and am working on my masters degree in family medicine, I need to focus and not let anyone or anything distract me. Stevie just doesn't get it. He never does.

"Maybe you should spend your summer looking at colleges," I suggest, stuffing my 'monstrosities' into a separate bag. "You could major in art."

"What's the point? I'm going to be an Avenger, who needs college?"

"Don't you think you're making your decision about your future prematurely?"

"It's better than spending the better part of a decade having no clue what decision to make about my future. At least I'm decisive."

I point at my bedroom door. "Out."

Stevie pushes himself off my bed, saying to me as he passes by: "Party pooper."



I do relax somewhat once we get to Wakanda, as does the rest of my family. I like Long Island a lot, as do Stevie and our parents, but nothing can beat Wakanda. It's home. Six years have passed since we moved away and that hasn't changed.

We told everyone what time we were coming, so it's no surprise that we have a welcome party waiting for us in front of the palace. As we descend the ramp of our ship, I notice that not everyone is here to greet us. Zy, Uncle T'Challa, Aunt Nakia, Uncle Everett, and Aunt Okoye aren't here. Jo, Uncle Alex, Uncle Khari, and Aunt Shuri are though, and for the next several minutes we are smothered in hugs from all of them.

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