II. Expectations

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Chapter Two

Livy won the race, so unfortunately my piece of the cake made for celebrating my coronation goes to her. She's a sore winner, she has a very smug look on her face when I pass her the cake.

The dinner has been very nice, I love having everyone here. Baba is sitting at the head of the table, with me and Mama on either side of him. Next to me is Livy, then Stevie, then Jo, then Uncle Alex and Uncle Khari. On the other side of the table are Aunt Soroya, who is across from me next to Mama, Uncle Bucky, Aunt Shuri, Aunt Okoye, then Uncle Everett is at the other end of the table. The whole table is buzzing with different conversations ranging in a number of topics. I hear Aunt Okoye and Aunt Shuri talking about the former's newest recruits for the Dora Milaje, Aunt Soroya and Mama are gushing about Stevie graduating high school, and I see Uncle Bucky laughing at something Uncle Alex is doing, as is Jo. He's stuck his spoon on his nose and is making weird noises like he's a zombie. Uncle Khari is casually eating his piece of cake next to him, completely desensitized to his odd behavior. I think by now we all are.

The conversations stall as Baba stands up, holding his glass of wine in his hand, looking down at me. "I am grateful that our whole family could be here to join in the celebration of Zy'aire becoming our new king. You have been preparing for this your whole life, I have taught you everything I know. You will be the greatest king that Wakanda has ever seen, and I couldn't be more proud of you, my son," He says, every word so sincere and genuine, he truly believes every word he's saying. He raises his glass in the air and finishes his speech, cheering triumphantly: "To Zy'aire."

"To Zy'aire." Everyone cheers back, leaving me to force smiles everyone's way and pretend that I'm just as happy and excited for tomorrow as they are. Hiding your emotions is harder when you have four family members who can sense how you feel. I see Aunt Soroya's eyes analyzing my expression, raising her eyebrows as if to ask if I'm alright. I nod, which doesn't convince her, but she doesn't say anything, she knows I don't want to talk about what's bothering me in front of Baba and Mama. Livy is giving me the same probing expression from next to me, but she doesn't voice any questions or concerns either.

As nice as this dinner has been, up until Baba's speech anyways, I am glad when it ends. It's getting late and I tell everyone I'm heading up to bed, though I know I won't be getting any sleep tonight. Everyone bids me goodnight and makes their way up to their own rooms including Aunt Soroya, Uncle Bucky, Livy, and Stevie, who have to sleep here in the palace given that their house here is completely empty. And since they are staying in the palace, it's no surprise to me when a knock comes to my door a half an hour after dinner has ended, and it's no surprise that it's Livy.

She's changed into pajamas, which are checkered sweatpants, a baggy t-shirt that says 'take these broken wings and learn to fly', and an unbuttoned long sleeve flannel shirt. I've changed into sleepwear as well, though mine just consists of grey silk sweatpants and a black cardigan, no shirt underneath. Livy's eyes flicker to my revealed chest but quickly darts them away, focusing them on the stereo on my dresser, which is currently playing My Chemical Romance's 'Welcome to the Black Parade'. My family has very serious opinions about what genre and decade of music is the best, I am the only one who has a taste for modern and alternative rock music. Everyone else thinks it's just a lot of loud noise.

"Something must be up," She comments. She's had to fake an American accent for six years now, and whenever we talk on the phone while she's in New York, she sounds like any other American. I guess she's faked it so much it's become her accent, that is except for when she comes back home. Just now her Wakandan accent slipped out. "You never listen to this song unless you're upset. It's your comfort song."

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