XII. The Dominate Personality

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Chapter Twelve

"They got away," I say into the phone, pacing back and forth outside the abandoned clinic. "And we can't track them because they have a Wakandan ship."

"But so do we, track them with the ship we have."

"You don't think I thought of that already? I'm not stupid. They turned their tracker off, same with their beads and their phones. But don't worry, we don't need to find them, they'll find us."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Their love for Soroya and Alex blinds them. They'll try to stop us, and when they do, we'll be ready for them."

"You better be right. Savage, I want you back here to help me get the mutts ready. Shifter, continue on with the plan, inject everyone on the list and don't leave any other witnesses."

My brother licks his lips, his pupils dilating. "I wonder who will be on the menu for dinner."

"Don't be too messy, brother, we need to be cautious, keep up a facade of innocence."

My brother looks annoyed but he nods, saying to Hale: "We'll contact you again soon."

We hang up the phone after this, and the first thing my brother says is: "I have no doubts that they'll come back, but we can't touch any of them with Jo there."

"I'm not worried," I assure him. "She may be snarky and quick witted but she's still a child. There are ways to deal with her."

"You aren't going to hurt her, sister." My brother commands, pointing a warning finger in my face. I slap it away, pointing out the obvious:

"Of course I won't hurt her. There are much better ways to deal with her, to manipulate her," I say to him alludingly, a smile spreading on my lips. "Love makes all of them weak, and it will be their downfall."



"So what the hell are we gonna do?" Uncle John inquires, sounding more than a bit on edge.

"This is going to be far more difficult than the other trials we've faced. We can't hurt them, they're in Soroya and Alex's bodies." Aunt Jade says lowly, her eyes glazed over in thought, her fingers absentmindedly combing Jo's short hair.

"Hale is our target. We take him out, Mom and Uncle Alex are free." Stevie says.

"Stevie's right," Uncle Sam says, pacing back and forth. "We need a way to stop Hale from using his powers."

"If only we had Aunt Shuri." Zy says through a sigh.

"Or Bruce Banner," Jo adds. "Too bad he's off world with Thor. Kind of wish I was too."

"They aren't the only people who could help us find a solution to our problem," Stevie shouts in excitement, standing up and clapping his hands together. "It's obvious who we should go to: Analiese Remington."

"Obvious isn't the word I would use." I say incredulously.

"Absolutely not," Dad says firmly, his eyebrows furrowing. "I'm not going to a criminal for help, we'll just figure it out ourselves."

"How? We can't hurt Mom or Uncle Alex and we won't kill Hale, so we need a way to stop Hale without hurting anyone, a serum could do that, like the serum that's in Analiese Remington."

"Stevie has a point," I say cautiously, not wanting to piss off Dad. Analiese Remington is a touchy subject. To put it simply, Dad hates her. "The serum Aunt Shuri used to take away her powers is still in her body. With some modifications she could create a serum to take away Hale's powers."

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