VI. Found

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Chapter Six

The flight to London was long and annoying, mostly because Jo sat next to me on the plane. Thankfully she didn't make comments about my love life, but she did however make comments about my style. She said, and I quote, 'even on a covert mission you have to dress like you're going to a Kentucky derby'. I do wear a lot of flannel shirts and jeans, but I do so because they're comfortable, not because I'm trying to become the new Ms. Universe. I don't care about my looks the way she and Zy do, I'll leave the fashion to them. The whole plane ride wasn't awful, I got some sleep in the last few hours, my head resting on Zy's shoulder. I woke up though to find Jo with a knowing grin, clearly pleased to find us in such a comfortable position. I told her to fuck off.

Now we're off the plane and walking through London, trying to pick up Mom or Uncle Alex's scent. It's very difficult though, anytime we think we might catch something, we lose it just as quickly. There are far too many people here, too many scents, too many chattering people, too much chaos. It's like a sensory overload. Thankfully we have Dad and Uncle Khari here, who take out their Kimoyo Beads and begin tracking for gamma radiation signatures in the area. They find one only after a few tries, and so we let the two of them take the reigns of this operation, them now leading the way.

We walk for some time, and though my mind should be on finding Mom and Uncle Alex, I'm too preoccupied worrying about our covers being blown. Any moment one of the projection masks Zy, Dad, and Uncle Khari are wearing could glitch or shut down, someone could be visiting London from Long Island and recognize me. So much could go wrong. All it takes it one second and then my life is over. I notice Stevie repeatedly looking back at me as we walk, knowing exactly why I look on edge. It's pissing him off, I can sense it. I don't really care, it's not my fault that he doesn't think anything through and wants to commit himself to a life of danger.

"The signature is really strong here." Uncle Khari announces, leading us down a barren street of London, one where the buildings on either side are closed down, covered with wooden boards and warning signs to stay away.

"Every bad guy likes to live in broken down buildings in abandoned alleyways. I think we're in the right place, let's go find out and kick some ass." Stevie alerts us, pretty confident for someone who has literally never been on a mission in his life.

"We're going on first," Dad says sternly, eyeing one building in particular, an old Veterinarian clinic. "You four stay here."

"No way. We're here to help save Mom and Uncle Alex and that's exactly what we're going to do. If you leave us out here we'll just come in after you."

Dad clicks his tongue, contemplating this statement for a second. "I really wish you had been born without your stubbornness."

"Where do you think I learned it from?" Stevie replies with a smirk. Dad can't help but smirk back, gesturing towards the door, giving us the okay to follow him in.

Dad and Uncle Khari put their Kimoyo Beads away, with Dad pulling out a gun and Uncle Khari pulling out his spear. None of us have weapons, but who needs weapons when you were born one? The others seem to think the same: Stevie activates his suit, as does Jo and Zy. Zy's suit is almost identical to Uncle T'Challa's, but instead of having a silver claw necklace it's bronze, with small bronze accents throughout the suit. It honestly looks more like Eric Killmonger's Black Panther suit than Uncle's T'Challa's.

The clinic smells like dust and residual pet dander on the inside, making me feel the strongest urge to sneeze. I plug my nose to stop that from happening, tapping on Stevie's arm to silently direct him to do the same. We need the element of surprise is this in fact the place where Mom and Uncle Alex are. Behind a door, that once lead to the surgery ward of the clinic, now leads to a flight of stairs that leads down into the ground. We all head down the stairs two at a time, trying our best not to make noise, which is difficult given how old and creaky these steps are.

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