IX. Escape

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Chapter Nine

"You're so paranoid," Stevie says exasperatedly. "Nothing is wrong with Mom."

"Dad agreed with me that there is," I insist. "It's why he told us to all stay here."

"Are you sure you don't sense anything, Stevie?" Zy asks him. He and I are both sitting on top of my bed while Stevie paces back and forth in front of us.

Stevie's head perks up slightly and so does mine, I sense Dad and Jo, and a great deal of adrenaline pumping through their veins. Stevie senses too, and moves to stand back towards us so Dad and Jo can enter the room. When they do, they both are dripping in sweat, completely out of breath. Dad has several bruises on his neck and some on his face, as well as a cut on his jaw. His voice sounds scratchy and strained as he gestures towards the door.

"Come on, we gotta move now."

"Dad what's happening?" Stevie asks, his voice now growing frantic.

"Somethings wrong with your mother and your uncle, they're coming here now, we have to get out of here."

The three of us run out of the door at his command, with Dad and Jo following directly behind us. We run down the hallway they came from, but a loud scream stops us in our tracks. Zy's heart rate increases and panic fills his eyes as he realizes the sound came from his parents room. Despite Dad warning him not to, Zy sprints back up the hallway, and I follow after him. When we make it to Uncle T'Challa and Aunt Nakia's room, what we find are a panther and a leopard lying on the ground, with Mom standing over them, an empty syringe needle in her hand.

Mom turns around and smiles at me, her tone and attitude way too calm and pleasant for what she's just done. "Hi honey."

Zy and I both run back towards the others, finding Stevie and Jo huddled together on the stairs while Dad fights off Uncle Alex, who has a syringe needle in his hand as well, but his is full of a green liquid that looks familiar to me somehow. Zy's hand latches onto mine tightly, his breaths shaking as he begins backing up from Uncle Alex, taking me along with him. I look over my shoulder to find Mom come out of Aunt Shuri's room, a second empty syringe needle in her hand, her smile warm and welcoming, her tone soft and tender as she beckons me towards her:

"Don't be afraid, honey. I promise I won't hurt you."

I pull on Zy along with me as I dash towards the staircase where Stevie and Jo still stand, clutching onto each other, shaken to their core. I let go of Zy and grip onto Jo's shoulders, trying to sound calm as I ask her: "Can you get us out of here? We need to get to a ship."

"Baba...Uncle T'Challa..." She whispers.

"There's nothing we can do for them now. If we want to avoid their fate we need to get out of here."

Jo lets out a shaking breath and nods her head, a tear falling down her cheek as she extends her hand out towards Dad and Uncle Alex fighting. A force field appears around Uncle Alex, and then the force field is thrown down the hall, right into Mom, knocking them both to the ground. Dad run over to us, clutching onto Stevie and I tightly as Jo creates a force field around all five of us, gritting her teeth as she hurls us through the nearest window, flying us towards the nearest Wakandan ship.

Once we are set down on the ground, Jo's force field disappears, and without any hesitation we all run onto the ship. Dad jumps into the pilot seat and turns the engine on, frantically flipping switches and getting the ship ready for lift off. He brings the ship off of the ground and soars us through the air, leaving the palace behind us, leaving the rest of our family behind us.

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