XVI. You Can't Save Everyone

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Chapter Sixteen

"What the hell happened here?" My brother asks as he gets off the ship we stole, looking at Hale and I sitting on a crate tending to our wounds, with John's dead body a few feet away.

"Your daughter happened." I spit out through gritted teeth as I wrap my calf.

His eyebrows raise. "Jo did that?"

"No, but the distraction she sent for me did," I say, gesturing to John. "He did this to me to buy her time to escape from here with a bag of Hale's blood."

My brother's eyes now fall onto John's body, and just as I expected, he doesn't look even a little upset. He just looks disappointed. "What a pity."

"What would they need my blood for?" Hale asks, taking a swig of scotch from a flask from his pocket.

I've given this a lot of thought and there's only one explanation I can think of. "I couldn't sense Jo's presence, even when she ran out here and I saw her, I couldn't sense her at all. There's only been one other time that's happened, and it was when we were trying to capture Analiese Remington. Shuri made a serum to mask everyone's scents in order to surprise her."

My brother nods. "I remember. You think they made the serum themselves?"

I shake my head. "No. There's no way they could, even with Olivia and Zy'aire there. Hale said that Jo said she looks forward to seeing what Alex will do to him once he returns, and then she took blood from him. I believe that a certain ex-shapeshifter is helping them."

"What's the plan then, sister?"

"I'll track them down, there's only so many places they can go that would be suitable for experiments. I'll find them."

"You better fix this or else I'll—"

"You'll what?" I ask, cutting him off. "Don't talk down to me, Hale. You may have come up with this plan, but we both know whose in charge here. If you don't want to end up like Walker, then you'll shut your mouth and let me handle the problem."

"Do you need assistance, sister?"

I shake my head, trying to stand up, nearly falling down once I put pressure on my leg. My brother moves to catch me but I hold my hand out to stop him, regaining my balance and limping towards him. "You have done enough, brother. Make sure the rest of the plan is taken care of."

He nods, a warning tone in his voice as he says: "When you find them, don't touch Jo."

Best not to mention that I threw a knife at her arm. "Of course not. She's my niece, I would never harm her."

"Good," He says, relaxing a little. "Good luck."

I scoff at the last bit of his sentence, saying over my shoulder as I limp towards the ship. "I don't need luck."



As soon as I got on the ship I put it on autopilot and took of, wanting to get as much distance between me and the facility as possible, knowing the Savage was after me along with her animal goons.

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