XXIV. Different Pasts

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Chapter Twenty-Four

I don't think I've ever been to the Scottish highlands before. I say that regretfully, because it's so beautiful that when we stepped off the ship, the sight of the lush rolling hills, the cliff side overlooking the ocean, and the mountain range in the distance, took my breath away. It's the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Livy looks just as in awe. She gets off the ship after me, and when she looks out at the ocean, the salty wind blowing through her dark brown hair, a smile spreading on her lips, I begin to question sight is truly the most beautiful: the highlands or her.

I need to stop thinking about her like that, I need to stop staring at her like that. She made some excellent points in Wakanda, I just have to accept that we're never going to be together, no matter how painful that reality is. I think she might be thinking about the same thing, because when we lock gazes, I see tears brimming her eyes. She instantly looks away and wipes her tears away, looking towards Sam and Jade, who are taking in the beautiful view as well.

"Come on, Wanda is waiting for us."

Wanda Maximoff retired as an Avenger about a decade ago. She isn't the only one, Rhodey, Scott and Hope Lang, and a few others have too. Most of them still help the remaining Avengers out or work for companies like Stark Industries or Pym Tech, but not Wanda. She has decided to spend her remaining days in a stone cottage next to this cliff side. Uncle Bucky and Aunt Soroya have kept in contact with her since her retirement, we're one of the only people who know of her location. Secretary Ross, and now Secretary Fai, have been trying to track her down for years. They felt a 'weapon' like her shouldn't be allowed to roam about the earth without supervision. Luckily they haven't found her.

The door of the cottage opens the moment before we knock, and sitting on a red couch in the living room is the Scarlet Witch herself. She is wearing a floor length emerald green dress, a black cardigan over top. As she walks towards us I see that her feet are bare, her hair has begun to grey, and her skin is just starting to show the mark of age. She seems really calm, at peace with life and herself. I guess living in a place as beautiful as this has that affect on someone.

Sam and Jade both go to hug her first, Sam especially happy to see her. When Wanda's eyes fall onto Livy, she lets out a laugh, exclaiming:

"You have grown so much, my dear. You are so beautiful." Wanda opens her arms towards Livy and she does the same, embracing her with genuine glee. Wanda also has the same reaction of shock and happiness when she sets eyes on me, telling me with a bow of her head and a hand over her heart:

"You are every inch a king, Zy'aire."

I would beg to differ, but now is not the time to dive into that. I just smile and thank her for her compliment, reminding her that we are on a time crunch. She smiles in reply, looking towards Sam and Jade, gesturing to the couch. "Please sit."

They do as she instructed, with Livy and I standing side by side near the fireplace besides the couch, giving us full view of Sam, Jade, and Wanda. The latter stands in front of the other two, rolling her sleeves us, walking them through what she's about to do.

"Bucky informed of the situation and what memories you are trying to recover. The problem is that the memories you're after are twenty years old, so it may take me a few minutes. I don't want you to worry, you won't feel a thing. When I do find the memory, you will see it along with me, it may be a big startling. Now hold still."

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