XXXII. Family

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Chapter Thirty-Two

It's weird having everyone at our house in New York, but its also nice. Not only is my whole family here, but the other Avengers are here too. We're here to celebrate the new accords that are being ratified tomorrow. Mom and Dad ordered a bunch of food, which is pretty much gone because we have a house filled with superhumans, and we've been hanging out and talking for the past few hours now. I've really liked it, having everyone around, being able to relax for the first time in...weeks. Has it only been weeks since I was here last? It feels like longer. Three weeks ago I was still pretending to be Steven Branson, three weeks ago the world was on the brink of war. Now I'm different, the world is different. I couldn't be happier for it.

The only person not engaging with the celebration is Liam. I can't find him anywhere. I leave a conversation with Uncle Scott and Aunt Hope to go search for him, finding him upstairs, in my bedroom. He's sitting on my bed, looking through some paintings I left drying on the floor, a smile crossing his lips. He's once again wearing jeans, a leather jacket, combat boots, but this time his shirt is from Beetlejuice, a movie that I still think isn't a horror movie. His hair is let down, and I watch as he tucks a piece behind his ear. The sight makes a storm of butterflies release in my stomach, and of course, Liam looks up at this exact moment, seeing my flushed cheeks, realizing I've been staring at him.

I clear my throat and gesture to the paintings. "What's the verdict?"

"You're really good."

My blush deepens. "Not feeling in the partying mood?"

"You know me, I'm not the best at making new friends. I barely know anyone down there, and most of them are Avengers who I've looked up to since I was a kid. I needed some time away from downstairs."

I walk deeper into my room and sit down on my bed next to him. "What are your plans now?"

The F.E.P are disbanding. Naomi, Johnathon, and Matthew are working on getting housing for the members who need it, as well as for the enhanced people being released from prison from PROJECT ENHANCED. They plan on starting that process after the ratification of the accords tomorrow. Liam won't be able to live at the base anymore, and I know he doesn't want to go back to California...

Liam shrugs. "I was thinking about going to the new school they're building, maybe go through the trials to become an Avenger."


He nods. "I think I want to use my powers to continue helping people. I really found my purpose being in the F.E.P, fighting for the people who needed it."

"I'm glad you said that, because I was talking to my parents about you, and they have offered for you to come and live with us in our house in Wakanda. With Mom being co-director of the Avengers now we'll need to move back there. We would give you the guest room and you could decorate it however you want," I tell him, the words spilling out of me like water pouring from a faucet. "And I've been thinking about going through the trials as well. I used to want to be an Avenger because I thought it was awesome and badass, but I know now that there's a lot of responsibility and hardship that comes with the job. But that hasn't changed what I want. I want to help people, I want to fight for people who need it, just like you said."

Liam takes in all the information I've given him, the offer I've given him. The first thing he asks, he does so with an earnest gaze, a curious tone to his voice. "Do you want me to live with you?"

I don't know what comes over me, but I find myself leaning forward and kissing his cheek gently, causing his own cheeks to blush. When I pull back from him I nod, giving him my answer. "Yes, I really do."

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