XIII. The Distraction

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Chapter Thirteen

I really like Analiese. I've baraided her with questions the whole ride to New York and she's answered every one of them, even the really stupid ones. Dad might hate her, but I think she's cool.

"What did you and Mom do while she visited? I can't imagine there's much to do in prison, did you just talk?" I ask as we Dad sets the ship down outside Bruce's lab.

Analiese has been sitting next to me, her legs crossed, her arms resting on her lap. "We would talk, listen to music on the radio she gave me, sometimes eat, play cards, read. We always found something to do."

"What kind of music do you like?"

"Classical music mostly, but there have been some more recent artists I've liked. I like Beyoncé."

"Beyoncé's incredible. I myself am a Panic at the Disco fan."

"I have no idea who that is."

"I'll rectify that situation someday."

Analiese smiles at me, suddenly looking a little sad. "You're a lot like your mom, I see a lot of her in you."

I share in her bittersweet smile. "Uncle Alex has always said I act like Mom but look like Dad."

Analiese seems to agree with this. "You do, except the eyes, you have your mother's eyes. Your sister is the opposite, she is a spitting image of your mother but has your father's eyes."

Livy has been sitting across from us, her head leaning on Zy's. When she hears Analiese mention her name she sits up, offering her a still slightly cautious smile.

"Why do you hate Dad so much?" I ask her, curiosity getting the best of me. "I mean I know what he did as the Winter Soldier to your brother, but that wasn't him, he didn't have a choice. Can't you forgive him?"

"It's complicated," Analiese explains. "I know he was brainwashed, but every time I see him I see my brother lying on the ground with a broken neck. It's hard to separate him from that. Besides that, I find your father very annoying and difficult to deal with. But don't worry, I won't hurt him."

"I didn't think you would," I reply, my smile growing. "I trust you."

Analiese lets out a chuckle, ironically shaking her head. "You're definitely your mother's child."

The engines of the ship cut off and Dad stalks out from the pilot seat, being the first to exit the ship. We all follow after him, with Uncle John and Uncle Sam insisting they stand by Analiese as we enter the lab. I open my mouth to object but Aunt Jade stops me with a look, wrapping her arm around my waist, whispering to me that them doing this will set their minds at ease and it's best to just let them. I don't get what everyone is so worked up about. Analiese isn't bad, Mom wouldn't be friends with her if she was.

"You're too trusting of people, Stevie." Livy whispers to me as she and I both walk down the ramp of the ship.

"And you're not trusting enough. If team Avatar didn't trust Zuko they would have never defeated the Fire Lord."

"Will you stop comparing real people to fictional characters?" Livy pleads.

Jo runs down the ramp with Zy, saying as she passes us: "He never will and neither will I. I think Stevie's right, she's our Zuko."

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