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Chapter Thirty-Three

The signing of the new accords went smoother than expected. It's probably because the members of the UN are under heavy fire from the public right now, so everyone there was on their best behavior. Being able to be in the room where the future of the enhanced people was paved was a privilege. And I got to be there to see it with my whole family, we all got to celebrate our new future together. A similar celebration is happening today, and once again my whole family is here. Instead of celebrating the future of the enhanced, we are here celebrating the future of Wakanda, my future as king.

Baba and Mama have been helping me get ready, painting my bare chest, back, and face to look like a panther. As they do so, Baba begins speaking to me in a soft tone:

"My father had just been killed when I became king. I didn't have him to guide me, to help me through all of the trails I faced, some of which were immediately after I became king."

Mama sighs. "It's a good thing you have a close relationship with all your cousins."

"But I did have other people to help guide me: your mother, your aunts and uncles. They helped me become the king I am today," He tells me, being careful not to smudge my paint as he touches my face. "We're entering a new era, not just Wakanda, but the world. It will be a lot to handle, but you won't have to handle it alone."

There was a time, and not too long ago, that I thought my father was perfect, that he made every right decision on his own and didn't need help. He just openly admitted to me that he felt lost when he was in my shoes, and that only because of our family did he become the man I know him as today. I felt inferior to him for wanting help, for feeling like I wouldn't be a good king. But I realize that feeling those things, feeling scared, feeling lost, it doesn't mean I won't be a good king, it means that I'll try my hardest to be the best king that I can be. My best is enough, even if it isn't perfect. My best makes me human.

"I know I won't, Baba. I'm grateful that I have the family that I do, but I'm even more grateful that I have you as my father."

Baba leans his forehead against mine. "No father could be prouder than I am of you, Zy'aire. You will be an incredible king."

For the first time in my life, I don't disagree. A knock comes to the door and Livy appears, wearing a red ceremonial Wakandan dress, her hair pulled back in a braid, a warm and proud smile on her face. She looks absolutely beautiful, I find myself unable to form words, and I don't think she can either. Baba is the one who speaks after a couple seconds of silence.

"We'll give you two a minute. Meet us down stairs?" He asks with a knowing grin. I nod, kissing Mama on the cheek, watching them exit my room. They give Livy the same knowing look as they pass her, making her blush.

Once she and I are alone, her smile widens, her eyes trailing my face, my chest. "You look very handsome."

I scoff. "Have you looked in a mirror?"

She shrugs. "I wish it was flannel."

"You wish everything was flannel."

"That's very accurate."

My girlfriend slowly approaches me. Bast does it feel good to call her that, my girlfriend. I have a sneaking suspicion she's thinking the same thing, because she places her hands on my chest, not even inquiring about the state of the paint and says: "My boyfriend has an incredible fashion sense, but I gotta say, I like this look."

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