IV. Nightly Tracking

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Chapter Four

We left a note for our family after we snuck into Aunt Shuri's lab to get the projector. All of us packed a backpack of supplies, including our fake identities and passports, and dressed casually so we don't look conspicuous, all that's left to do is leave Wakanda. The border patrol makes that task more difficult, but thankfully we have Jo to help us.

We're on the northwest side of the barrier, where Mom and Uncle Alex disappeared. There's a patrol tower on the other side, a few yards away from us. With us now so close, Jo turns around to face us and gives us directions on how to proceed forward.

"Keep holding onto me no matter what, okay? Don't let go."

Jo activates her suit, which comes out through a small gold necklace in the shape of a book, much like the paw print ones Stevie and I have. Aunt Shuri made all of us suits to make it easier for us to use our powers, and Jo's is dark grey with purple lines outlining the curves of her body, their purpose is to make the suit disappear along with her. The three of us grab onto parts of the suit, so when Jo turns herself invisible, we become invisible too.

"Brace yourselves." She whispers as she shuts her eyes, her face furrowing in concentration. Out from Jo's hands comes a substance that looks like liquid soap, and that substance surrounds us all in what looks like a giant bubble. The bubble lifts off the ground, carrying us along with it. We move through the barrier and past the guards, soaring high above them without them even glancing our way. Jo continues to carry us with her force field until we are well past the guards, completely out of their eye line. She sets us down on the ground and takes the force field down, the bubble fading away, and Jo becoming visible again.

"You've been practicing." I say, mildly impressed.

She winks. "I know, I'm a regular Violet Parr."

"Activate the projector, Zy." I tell him, watching as he places the small device on his neck and presses a small button, which covers him from the neck up in a mask made of nanites. He looks completely different now: his hair is shorter, his nose is leaner, his lips not as full, his jaw looks more square instead of pointed, and he now has a thin mustache. The clothes he is wearing completes the disguise: instead of his usual expensive fashionable wear, he is wearing jeans, combat boots, a My Chemical Romance t-shirt, and a dark blue sweatshirt. He looks like an ordinary twenty one year old, not a prince.

"Alright, you two get to sniffing." Jo says, gesturing to the ground beneath us.

I nod to her and turn to my brother. "We'll take shifts, that way we won't get in each other's way."

Stevie nods. "I'll go first," He insists, stating matter of factly: "I'm a better tracker than you."

"That's debatable, but fine. Shout to us if you need anything."

Stevie gets down onto the ground and activates his suit, which is navy blue instead of teal like Mom and Uncle Alex's, but still with the same copper arrows imbedded on the chest, arms, and legs. Mine is the same but in a grey color. Stevie shifts into a wolf, beginning to sniff the ground to try to find their scents. I grab onto Jo and Zy and pull them backwards, trying to give Stevie room and make sure our scents don't interfere.

After some minutes pass, Stevie's head perks up, his tail wagging. He turns his head back towards us and nods his head once, indicating that he's found something. He begins following whatever trail he's picked up on, so the three of us begin following after him, keeping about twenty feet between us and him.

"How do you feel about your coronation being cancelled?" Jo asks, stuffing her hands inside the pockets of her jeans. She's also wearing casual clothes, unlike a lot of the dresses and shirts she usually wears in Wakandan styles. Besides jeans she has on a Little Women 1995 movie t-shirt, which is Jo's favorite movie, a grey hoodie, and a red headband that's keeping back the bangs of her pixie cut.

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