XXXI. The Enhanced Accords

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Two days later...

Chapter Thirty-One

Daniel made good on his word. He went on national tv and told the public everything. The people are outraged, they feel lied to, cheated. Rightfully so. The people, enhanced and non-enhanced, are ordering the arrest of the people responsible for this atrocity, as well as the release of the Avengers and other enhanced imprisoned from the project or otherwise.

He ordered Analiese's release from jail. Aunt Soroya and Aunt Jade went to go pick her up and buy her some new clothes. They didn't want her to walk around in a prison jumpsuit until we go back to Wakanda. When the three of them returned, Analiese now wearing jeans, a red blouse, some boots, and a grey cardigan, Uncle Bucky actually thanked her. He thanked her for helping Aunt Soroya and Dad escape, as well as what she did for them in regard to Hale. Analiese was as shocked to hear this as the rest of us, but she accepted his gratitude with a simple nod. Stevie and I were excited to see her, we both gave her hugs, which she accepted.

It took a little while to catch her up on what's been happening and what information had been revealed, and after everything was out in the open, Analiese sent me a pitying look, not knowing what to say. I actually prefer her not saying anything. I don't want anyone saying anything about this. I'm still trying to come to terms with my biological family, words of pity make that task harder.

She's back at the Long Island house with Liam, we're going to meet them there after we get the rest of our family, which we are waiting to do now. They have been held in an upstate New York CIA blacksite this whole time. Daniel promised they have been given the cure for the serum Hale gave them, and that they are all in perfect health. And once again he made good on his promise. All of them were released, all at once. I feel tears spring into my eyes as I set my sights on Uncle T'Challa and Everett, on Aunt Nakia, Shuri, and Okoye, and those tears finally spill down my cheeks as I see Baba. As soon as our eyes meet I let out a noise that might be a laugh, or maybe a sob, I'm not sure. I honestly don't care. I don't waste another moment before running towards him, with Dad inches behind me. I launch myself into Baba's arms, feeling his arms wrap around me and pick me up off the ground, his face burying into my shoulder. He only lifts his head up enough to kiss Dad over my shoulder, using one of his arms to gather him into the hug.

I glance around me and see Zy hugging onto Uncle T'Challa and Aunt Nakia fiercely, tears of his own streaming down his face. Aunt Nakia kisses his face several times while Uncle T'Challa whispers something into his ear, something I can't hear. Whatever he said, it makes Zy cry harder. Aunt Okoye and Shuri, as well as Uncle Everett, hug onto the other members of our family. Aunt Soroya bursts into tears the moment she hugs onto Aunt Shuri, and I've never seen Aunt Okoye or Uncle Everett cry as hard as they do when they hug Livy and Stevie. We all manage to gravitate towards one another, Aunt Soroya and Uncle Bucky smother Baba in a hug, Aunt Nakia and Aunt Shuri shower me in kisses, Uncle T'Challa ruffles Stevie's hair as he hugs onto him, Uncle Sam and Aunt Jade hug onto Uncle Everett with tearful smiles. For several moments we exchange hugs, kisses, tears, laughs, we revel in being back together.

I don't care who shares my blood. Like Dad said, family is so much more than who you're related to. This. This is my family. This large, crazy, complicated band of misfits, they're my family. My home. My heart.



"We need a long lasting solution to the issues we are facing," Naomi begins. "The solution we all came up with, are new accords. We sat down and drafted our demands for these new accords, most are nonnegotiable."

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