XXX. The Turning Point

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Chapter Thirty

We guessed that Daniel Fai would be at his office in New York and we were correct. Aunt Soroya wanted to try to find the lab they had been freed from, thinking maybe Theodore Fai would summon his brother there to show him his new project, but Uncle Bucky thought otherwise. When we arrived in New York, at the building Fai's office presides in, we told the guards to let us in to see him and they didn't refuse. They were afraid of us, of all us joined together. Naomi, Matthew, and Johnathon joined us, as did Liam, only after Stevie practically begged him. Whether he likes it or not, Liam is looped in with our rag tag band now.

We're riding up the elevator now, towards the fifth floor, towards Daniel Fai, my father's, office. It feels wrong to even think those words let alone say them out loud. Father. My father. Alex is my father, Khari is my father, not him. Not this man. The man I'm about to meet for the first time.

Dad can sense my anxiety, and he slips his hand into mine, giving me a reassuring smile and nod. It doesn't help, but I appreciate the effort. I keep hold of his hand as we exit the elevator, as we enter into the hall, and I hold it even tighter as Uncle Bucky bursts open the office door, revealing Daniel Fai standing there, his brother right next to him.

An even bigger family reunion. Lovely.

"Who let you up here?" Is the first thing Daniel asks.

"Not everyone hates us as much as you do." Uncle Bucky says lowly, trying to keep his calm.

There's a briefcase on Daniel's desk, small viles of green liquid resting comfortable inside. Bast forbid, he's actually succeeded at making the serum, the cure. We had hoped he hadn't done it yet, that there was still time. But there isn't. If we can't convince Daniel to our side, the cure could be distributed. Sure, we'll release this information to the public, the government will be exposed for what they had done, we will avoid war, but how many powers will be taken despite that? Uncle Bucky was right, we need someone on the inside to help us make peace, to truly have peace.

My uncle, my biological uncle, shakes his head, his eyes narrowing towards Aunt Soroya and Uncle Alex. "Enjoying your freedom?" He asks.

"Careful." Uncle Bucky says through gritted teeth, clearly trying to restrain himself from doing something rash. Part of me kind of wants him to.

Naomi is the one to cut to the chase. "We have some evidence that will be of interest to you, sir. Your brother has been lying to you for years. The serum, the cure, he's just trying to cover up what he helped create."

Theodore's eyes widen. "What a pathetic attempt. Don't pay them any mind, brother. We both know how the enhanced are, how they act. This cure is the only way we will ever have peace. Think of Lor, think of Ruth. We need to avenge their deaths."

"Another lie," Uncle Sam says, stepping forward, Lorelei Clark's file, my mother's file, in his hands. He gives it to Daniel, who flips through it, his body stiffening as he begins to read. "Your brother and your wife, along with countless others, were scientists in PROJECT ENHANCED, a project to weaponize humans against extraterrestrial and superhuman threats. That's why so many enhanced people started appearing in the last few decades, they were unwilling participants in this experiment. Some escaped, some were killed, some still captured, but most were set free, sworn to secrecy. It's all there in that file."

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