X. Making Preperations

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Chapter Ten

The safe place Dad took us to was Uncle John's house. When we knocked on his door at four in the morning he was very confused, but when he scanned around and didn't find Mom anywhere, he began to panic, ushering us inside. Aunt Jade and Uncle Sam apparently are visiting for a few days and were standing in the living room in their pajamas, their expressions as worried as Uncle John's.

All three of them are in their mid to late fifties, and despite not having any serum like a lot of our family do, they all look the same age; at least a decade younger than they actually are. I guess that's a plus of being an Avenger: you keep your looks.

Livy, Zy, Jo, and I sit on the couch and listen to Dad recount the last two days to our aunt and uncles. Their faces only grow more concerned as the minutes go by, especially Uncle John, I sense the most distress coming from him, and I know it's because of his feelings for Mom. He's always loved her, it's just something I've always known about him, even before I could sense it with my powers. Im pretty sure everyone knows about it, even Dad, though I've never asked.

He doesn't speak until Dad is gone talking, and the first words he says are: "Alright, so how are we going to fix this?"

"You have to understand that any step we take forward is without Fai or the government's knowledge, you three could get into serious—"

"This is Soroya we're talking about," Uncle Sam interrupts, linking his fingers with Aunt Jade. "She's family, of course we'll help."

"Let Fai do his worst," Uncle John dares. "We're getting Soroya back whether he likes it or not. So what's the first step?"

"I think we should go back to the abandoned vet clinic we found them in," Dad says, rubbing his chin in deep thought. "They wouldn't just chose that place at random, it was probably where they created the modified serum, where they had been the past two days. I think it's the right place to start."

"They might be expecting that," Uncle Sam points out. "If Sor-the Savage, has been watching events from the back of Soroya's mind, then she knows how we operate and how we think. She may try to set a trap."

"Especially since she's made it clear she wants to inject you with the serum she created." Aunt Jade adds.

"Why the serum? What could this mastermind behind all this possibly gain from turning all of you into animals?" John wonders aloud.

Livy speaks up on this one, and by the look in her eyes and the tone of her voice, she has been thinking about this for a while now: "It could be some kind of mind control. I mean think about it: their animal side is suddenly in control and now they're turning other people into animals...this mastermind could have the power to control animals."

Dad gives Livy an impressed look. "That would definitely make sense. The only question is for what purpose does this person intend to use them? What's the goal here?"

"Well we aren't going to find out sitting here," Uncle John says. "I agree with you, we should go to the hideout you found Soroya and Alex in. I'm sure we'll find some answers there."

All four adults turn to us, with Dad being the one to approach us, his expression incredibly stoic and serious. I've never seen him look like this before. Whenever I would see videos of him kicking ass or going on some mission, I would just see my Dad, but right now, all I see is the Winter Soldier, all I see is an Avenger.

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